Friday, 8 December 2017

One step away ....

-The dance of Chandrakanti-

SCS p.103 "A young girl who danced with joy all night invoked the mercy of the Lord." Padma Purana 
"The woman who attained bhava mentioned in the Padma Purana is an example of bhava through Raganuga bhakti."

BRS 1.3.14 "A young girl, having great joy in the heart and being very enthusiastic to dance, spent the whole night dancing in order to please the Lord."

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Krishna Katha

SB 2.2.37 "Those who drink the sweet pastimes of the Lord and his devotees held in the cups of their ears clean their hearts of all contamination and attain the lotus feet of the Lord for service."

SBMM 20.59 "O great hero, kindly allow us to drink the nectar of Your lotus lips This nectar increases one's love for You, destroys one's lamentation, is constantly relished by Your enchanting flute, and it transforms the living entities' material attachments."

This poem was inspired by the following excerpt from a commentary of Srimad B. Narayana Goswami Maharaja where he explains about the adharamrita or the nectar from Krishna's lips.

"The deer and cuckoos are indeed fortunate, but the most fortunate are the gopis, who can directly taste Krishna's original adharamrita.  The deer and the cuckoos cannot relish this adharamrta directly, but they can listen to Krishna's flute-song.  And there are others, who can hear about Krishna's pastimes.  They hear that Krsna is playing His flute and that all human beings, animals, birds and other creatures in Vrindavana are hearing His flute-song. As a result of listening to narrations of His pastimes, these persons, too, develop the ambition to hear His flute." Gopi Gita commentary by Srimad B. Narayana Goswami Maharaja.

Saturday, 5 August 2017


- The song of the Pulindi girl of Vraja

SBB Vol.III 7.119 Purport."Seeing the kunkuma on the ground reminded them first of Krishna and then of His intimate affairs with the gopis. Thinking about these things agitated their minds [...] And how were the aborigine women relieved of this agitation?  By picking up the red powder and smearing it on their faces and breasts, which were burning with lust.  Having done this, the Pulindis felt completely satisfied."
SBB III 7.146 Purport " [...]...the aborigine women lacked the assets of knowledge, good birth, good behavior and devotion to God. They were ignorant of their own eternal identities as spirit souls, and because they had never come close enough to Nanda Maharaja's village to see Krsna with their own eyes, they were also ignorant of Krsna's all-attractive beauty.  None the less, in the forest, the aborigine women of Vraja accidentally came in contact with grass and leaves smeared with kunkuma from the bodies of the gopis   [...] even though indirect, it infused them with sublime devotion for Krishna ...[...].  Having had some contact with the gopis, the aborigine women of Vraja all attained a perfection similar to theirs, if not in this life then in the next."

SGS 1.4.56 "When they saw Him, some aborigine girls became tortured with lust."

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Season of surrender

From Hayasirsa pancaratra quoted in Gopala Campu Ch.1.35 "Description of Goloka" :
The pleasurable nature of material objects like flowers with fragrance and taste exist in the spiritual world as the very essence of pleasure.  Because the objects are devoid of any inferior qualities belonging to material objects they are the very form of pleasure.  Know that the faulty portions of a fruit like skin, seed and tough sections exist in material objects.  Nothing in the spiritual world is made of material elements."

Srila Prabhupada : "whether it is unripe or ripe a mango is a mango"

Wednesday, 7 June 2017


Lalita Madhava - Act Three "Vrnda : (After remaining silent for a few moments, she exhales hot air and speaks in confusion.)
If Akrura takes Krsna to Mathura, why should I prepare new bowers in the forest?
Why should I attractively prepare flower beds? Why should I make the fragrant creepers bloom out of season?"
SBB Vol.III 5.164 "Somehow or other the wise Akrura, desiring to promote the welfare of the Yadus, took Him from Vraja to Madhupuri as if by force."

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

IN the CAVERN OF the HEART - Prayers of Mucukunda

Comment by Visvanath Cakravarti Thakura to SB 10.51.29 : "Mucukunda said, "With Your effulgence You dispel the darkness of this mountain cave, and with Your jewel-like knowledge You destroy the darkness of ignorance in my heart."  In Sanskrit, the heart is sometimes metaphorically referred to as guha "cavern" a deep and secret place."

SB 3.29.5 [Devahuti said] "My dear Lord, You are just like the sun, for You illuminate the darkness of the conditional life of the living entities.  Because their eyes of knowledge are not open, they are sleeping eternally in that darkness without Your shelter, and therefore they are falsely engaged by the actions and reactions of their material activities, and they appear to be very fatigued."

I was inspired to write this poem by an article written by my friend and writer HG Vishoka das Prabhu and with whom I found to have an affinity for the pastime of King Mucukunda.  

Monday, 10 April 2017

Morning Love

 "Another gazing in his face,
sits wistfully apart,
searching it with those  
looks of love that leap from   
heart to heart;"
Her eyes afire with shy desire, 
 veiled by their lashes black, 
speak so that Krishna cannot choose 
but send the message back, ..."

                                                 from the Gita Govinda

    This poem narrates the playful exchanges of glances between Radha and Krishna during the morning pastimes. The daily pastimes of Radha and Krishna are occurring in eight sections (asta-kaliya-nitya lila) during the day and the Acharyas have sung repeatedly about them as a confidential meditation. Breakfast is part of the morning pastimes where the situation finds Radha and Krishna exchanging glances to send hidden messages.                    

 Morning Love

The bright morning rays
shone on golden plates and trays,
reflecting the hue of her face,
which he searched for and embraced
with the limbs of his gaze.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Debt of Love

CC Antya Lila 7.43 "The conjugal love of the gopīs is the most exalted devotional service, surpassing all other methods of bhakti. Therefore Lord Krishna is obliged to say, 'My dear gopīs, I cannot repay you. Indeed, I am always indebted to you."
Prema-vilas - Ch 7. Text 126-127  by Srila Nityananda Das
"Feeling separation from Me, Radha and the gopis have given up Their lives.  Now I shall also give up My life for her.  You will see me in that condition, O Lokanath."

Excerpted from Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue No134

"With that prema they [gopis] have given up everything. [...] By their love, Krishna's promise was broken. His pormise is -'As someone approaches me I reciprocate accordingly' {Bg 4.11} Krishna never becomes indebted, He always repays his debts. But this promise of his was broken by the gopis, because the gopis do not want anything, how will he repay them?
[...] {Bhag. 10.32.22} "I have become completely indebted to you. I cannot pay you back, because you don't want anything. What shall I do?"
To pay back his debt he became Gaura, assuming the mood of Radharani is crying and feeling acute pangs of separation from Krishna. This is Gaura. [...] As Radharani is crying, crying, crying and drowning herself in this unfathomable ocean of separation, similarly Gaura is burning himself with the fire of separations from Krishna."

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Nothing is as before

by Lakshmipati das (Italy)
This poem is a manifesto about the spiritual revolution that the appearance of Lord Gauranga Avatari brought about also within the context of the Vedic thought. He, as the Supreme Lord, disclosed the most revealing conclusions by asserting one fundamental principle that the goal is bhakti and the externals of religions are secondary.

This poetry was inspired by a prayer of Srila B R Sridhar Deva Goswami:

"At a time when religion was evaluated in terms of bodily relationship, saintliness was determined by ignorance, and yoga practice was motivated by sensual pleasure; when scholarship was cultivated just for voidism, japa was conducted for the sake of fame, and penance was performed out of vindictiveness; when charity was given out of pride, and on the pretext of spontaneous devotion the most gross, sinful acts were perpetrated - and in all such anomalous situations even the intelligentsia were at loggerheads with one another...." 

SB 10.23.43-44"...These women have never undergone the purificatory rites of the twice-born classes, nor have they lived as brahmacārīs in the āśrama of a spiritual master, nor have they executed austerities, speculated on the nature of the self, followed the formalities of cleanliness or engaged in pious rituals. Nevertheless, they have firm devotion for Lord Kṛṣṇa, whose glories are chanted by the exalted hymns of the Vedas and who is the supreme master of all masters of mystic power. We, on the other hand, have no such devotion for the Lord, although we have executed all these processes.”

Nothing is as before ~
divine love has been exposed,
religion is not something to long for
nor is liberation the scope;
heaven is not where eternality belongs
austerities may dry the soul,
saintliness is not what it appears on the surface
nor is measured by disciples and fame;
the Absolute Truth is no longer unnamed
or lost in the void,
knowledge no longer resides only
in logic and rhetoric,
temples are not places petrified in rites,
the hymns, echoing from stones
lost in the mist of time,
are no longer the swords of priests
to control the world,
when bereft of mercy
they fueled fears with holy curses;

Nothing is as before ~
the moon of Gauranga Avatari arose
and His moonlight has exposed
that liturgies harbor pride,
faithlessness is behind
enforced rules and roles,
no longer a means to reach God,
just meager profits on the altars
of evil and good,
of righteousness and virtue,
where bhakti never blooms;
charity, rituals, gender, caste and pride
are burning votive lamps
on materialist shrines
barren of devotion,
where compassion also dries
and also yoga fails
there is no determination
to contain the senses
nor to reach liberation;
the most Munificent Lord
came to deliver every soul,
to show the way beyond
spontaneous love was disclosed,
nothing is as arid and lacking of joy
as before,
is spontaneously and blissfully performed.
cannot be imposed.

Friday, 6 January 2017


Prasna Upanisad 4.9  "The conscious atma (jiva or individual soul) alone is the seer, toucher, hearer, taster, smeller, thinker, knower and agent." 

Gita Bhusana 3.17 "The human who is attracted to the atma, satisfied in the atma, and completely please with atma alone because of its qualities, has no need of performing prescribed duties for seeing the atma."

SB 3.25.17 "At that time the soul can see himself to be transcendental to material existence and always self-effulgent, never fragmented, although very minute in size"

SB 3.27.10 "Thus realizing freedom from false ego, one should see his own self just as he sees the sun in the sky."

SB 3.27.19  "Hence even though he is the passive performer of all activities, how can there be freedom for the soul as long as material nature acts on him and binds him?"

When I look at the horizon,
and far and deep
into the distant sky,
behind the inflamed clouds
while the sun sets down,
I sense this cage around
and I want to fly - free,
I want to stretch my hand and touch 
the infinite
there outside,
yet knowing at the same time
to be also within me.

But I cannot fully
grasp what it is,
though I know it arises from the real me,
the one who sees,
who owns the desire to be free,
content and luminous
in the easiness of just being,
weightless, unburdened,
as I once felt in a dream,
walking in waters of joy ~
that it is the infinitesimal divine me.

I know, 
it is causing this existence, 
is rooted in the soul, the eternal me,
but this truth I can rarely perceive
as it is caged
in a netted mentality, 
in ego-patterned thoughts,
in the intrinsic dualities
entangling this life,
but there,
it is I, the Self, confined.

Only when released 
from illusory beliefs,
this conscious free being
will be able to see,
what I now believe to be the self, 
 as alien to me,
as a hat 
blown off by the wind is
            to the onlooking bare head.          (1)

The flock of thoughts
into the blueness, scatters,
and a prayer goes up to the Lord,
with my heart I ask
to be seen by Him,
that He removes the bars
of the false "me",
to have only one bond
with Him,
of love.

1) SB 3.27.10 "Thus realizing freedom from false ego, one should see his own self just as he sees the sun in the sky."