Saturday, 5 August 2017


- The song of the Pulindi girl of Vraja

SBB Vol.III 7.119 Purport."Seeing the kunkuma on the ground reminded them first of Krishna and then of His intimate affairs with the gopis. Thinking about these things agitated their minds [...] And how were the aborigine women relieved of this agitation?  By picking up the red powder and smearing it on their faces and breasts, which were burning with lust.  Having done this, the Pulindis felt completely satisfied."
SBB III 7.146 Purport " [...]...the aborigine women lacked the assets of knowledge, good birth, good behavior and devotion to God. They were ignorant of their own eternal identities as spirit souls, and because they had never come close enough to Nanda Maharaja's village to see Krsna with their own eyes, they were also ignorant of Krsna's all-attractive beauty.  None the less, in the forest, the aborigine women of Vraja accidentally came in contact with grass and leaves smeared with kunkuma from the bodies of the gopis   [...] even though indirect, it infused them with sublime devotion for Krishna ...[...].  Having had some contact with the gopis, the aborigine women of Vraja all attained a perfection similar to theirs, if not in this life then in the next."

SGS 1.4.56 "When they saw Him, some aborigine girls became tortured with lust."

Venu Gita pg392  "When the Pulindis first saw the kunkuma they understood it to be the decoration from Sri Radha's breast."

SD 21.17 Comm. "Upon seeing Krsna from a distance, the Pulindis developed a great desire to smell the fragrance of Krsna's body, so they smeared the kunkuma from the grass on their faces."

SB 10.21.17 "The aborigine women [Pulindi] of the Vrndavana area become disturbed by lust when they see the grass marked with reddish kunkuma powder."

The forest,
disrobed of the veil of night
wears the marks of love,
and the incorporeal Cupid
assails me
with throbbing thoughts
of forbidden love;
Retracing red stained footprints
as if bringing back the taste
of a lost dream,
I touch the red dust
and in a flap of wings
I lose my bird-like heart.

A night of playful love
has just now passed ~
taste, scent, words, smiles,
captured by the amorous moonlight,
fell to the ground
in a rain of red sand, of sensual love
that covers my hand
and now agitates my mind,
as if possessed 
by this passionate Cupid,
the elf of the groves of love.
The nocturnal zephyr,
after stealing the shivers
from desirous limbs
and perspiring bosoms,
dropped this red pollen of love
on the leaves, stones and twigs.
I rub it on my face,
my body afire,
and become a little satisfied
just imagining His touch.

The forest Cupid's brush
paints the silence of my heart
with red amorous passion;
I gather more and more
of the ruby-red dust
from the ground and the grass,
daub it on my eyes,
frantically ~
as a blend of glances, touches,
trembling hips, greedy lips
and joyful fatigue
come to me
like a vivid dream.
Hypnotised ~
I powder my limbs
with those scarlet sparkles
scattered from the body of Radha,
where Her love leaves no corner empty
nor finds a place to hide 
nor shadows 
where its splendor might abate.

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