Thursday, 2 February 2017

Nothing is as before

by Lakshmipati das (Italy)
This poem is a manifesto about the spiritual revolution that the appearance of Lord Gauranga Avatari brought about also within the context of the Vedic thought. He, as the Supreme Lord, disclosed the most revealing conclusions by asserting one fundamental principle that the goal is bhakti and the externals of religions are secondary.

This poetry was inspired by a prayer of Srila B R Sridhar Deva Goswami:

"At a time when religion was evaluated in terms of bodily relationship, saintliness was determined by ignorance, and yoga practice was motivated by sensual pleasure; when scholarship was cultivated just for voidism, japa was conducted for the sake of fame, and penance was performed out of vindictiveness; when charity was given out of pride, and on the pretext of spontaneous devotion the most gross, sinful acts were perpetrated - and in all such anomalous situations even the intelligentsia were at loggerheads with one another...." 

SB 10.23.43-44"...These women have never undergone the purificatory rites of the twice-born classes, nor have they lived as brahmacārīs in the āśrama of a spiritual master, nor have they executed austerities, speculated on the nature of the self, followed the formalities of cleanliness or engaged in pious rituals. Nevertheless, they have firm devotion for Lord Kṛṣṇa, whose glories are chanted by the exalted hymns of the Vedas and who is the supreme master of all masters of mystic power. We, on the other hand, have no such devotion for the Lord, although we have executed all these processes.”

Nothing is as before ~
divine love has been exposed,
religion is not something to long for
nor is liberation the scope;
heaven is not where eternality belongs
austerities may dry the soul,
saintliness is not what it appears on the surface
nor is measured by disciples and fame;
the Absolute Truth is no longer unnamed
or lost in the void,
knowledge no longer resides only
in logic and rhetoric,
temples are not places petrified in rites,
the hymns, echoing from stones
lost in the mist of time,
are no longer the swords of priests
to control the world,
when bereft of mercy
they fueled fears with holy curses;

Nothing is as before ~
the moon of Gauranga Avatari arose
and His moonlight has exposed
that liturgies harbor pride,
faithlessness is behind
enforced rules and roles,
no longer a means to reach God,
just meager profits on the altars
of evil and good,
of righteousness and virtue,
where bhakti never blooms;
charity, rituals, gender, caste and pride
are burning votive lamps
on materialist shrines
barren of devotion,
where compassion also dries
and also yoga fails
there is no determination
to contain the senses
nor to reach liberation;
the most Munificent Lord
came to deliver every soul,
to show the way beyond
spontaneous love was disclosed,
nothing is as arid and lacking of joy
as before,
is spontaneously and blissfully performed.
cannot be imposed.

1 comment:

  1. Simply wonderful! Bhakti is really so simple and yet so profound. Thank you for your dedicated days of seva and sharing your wisdom of Mahaprabhu's sweet, merciful mood.
