About Poetry

(Most recent quotes at the bottom)

"A poet's poem becomes famous because of its quality of being poetic. I shall boldly declare that this poem of mine is the most poetic and best of all poems because it glorifies the transcendental land of Vraja." Srila Visvanath Chakravarti Thakura

"Please continue in your writing of songs and poems for Krsna because singing Krsna's praises is the highest type of spiritual activity and will give Him great enjoyment.  I would be pelased if you could send me a tape of some of your compositions."from a letter of HDG Founder Acarya Srila Prabhupada dtd 15/11/1971

"You have got some poetic sense also, and all these talents, the artistic sense and the poetic sense, can be engaged in the service of Krshna.  All devotees are more or less poets.  Out of 26 qualifications of a perfect devotee one is poetic sense.  So we can write so many poetries in praise of the Lord, or about His pastimes.  Similarly, we can draw so many nice pictures about His different activities, and such engagements will give us chance to elevate ourselves to the perfectional platform of spiritual understanding."  from a letter of HDG Founder Acarya Srila Prabhupada dtd 12/12/1968

The object of this poetic Work is to inundate the reader with the
fragrant qualities and pastimes of Sri Krsna the beautiful.
(Kavi Karnapura - Ananda Vrndavan Campu Ch.1)

From Viśvanātha Cakravartī’s commentary on Śrīmad-bhāgavatam (10.33.39):
One who continuously hears, glorifies or writes poetry about this autumnal rāsa-līlā and similar pastimes of Kṛṣṇa described by other poets, first of all, even if he has the heart disease of material lust, he becomes imbued with prema. Then, by it’s effect, the disease of the heart is destroyed. Thus, it is understood here that this prema is independent; it is not weak or dependent like jñāna-yoga.
SB 10.9.1-2 - Purport : “It was formerly a custom that if one wanted to remember something constantly, he would transform it into poetry or have this done by a professional poet. It appears that mother Yasoda did not want to forget Krsna’s activities at any time. Therefore she poeticized all of Krshna’s childhood activities, such as the killing of Putana, Aghasura, Sakatasura and Trnavarta, and while churning the butter, she sang about these activities in poetical form, This should be the practice of persons eager to remain Krsna conscious twenty-four hours a day. by HDG Founder Acarya Srila Prabhupada.

In Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.5.11 it is said: "In explaining the glories of the Lord, inexperienced men may compose poetry with many faults, but because it contains glorification of the Lord, great personalities read it, hear it and chant it."

  CC Adi Lila 16.102 - Purport - Despite its minute literary discrepancies, one must study poetry on the merit of its subject matter. According to Vaisnava philosophy, any literature that glorifies the Lord, whether properly written or not, is first class.

"Uttama-sloka.  Krsna's, or God's, another name is Uttama-sloka, who is worshiped by the best, selected words."   Lecture on SB 1.8.44 - by HDG Founder Acarya Srila Prabhupada

"In Vrindavana even the inexpert efforts of poets will be hailed as poetry" by Jiva Goswami

MADHURENA SAMAPAYET "One should end on a sweet note" is a common saying among connoisseurs of devotional poetrySri Brhad Bhagavatamrta 1.14 - Purport by HG Gopiparanadhana Prabhu

At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet” - Plato

From the Scandinavian tradition Eddic – Odin steals the Mead of Poetry disguised as an eagle and flies back to heaven. Drops fall from heaven making poets of all who drink it.

CC Antya Lila 1.195 "What is the use of a bowman's arrow or a poet's poetry if they penetrate the heart but do not cause the head to spin?"

SB 5.12.11 Purport Lord Janardana is the director both externally and internally. He is the cause of the function of words and what is expressed in all sound.

The poets work at night
when the time has not urge upon them,
when the crowd noise has silenced
and the lynching of hours has ended.
The poets work in the dark
as night hawks or nightingales 
with their sweet singing,
yet they fear of offending God
but the poets in their silence
make much more noise
than a golden dome of stars. (Alda Merini)

"Poetry comes when the intellect remains speechless" The Author

Gopala Campu 1.6 "Though poets cannot write poetically about Vrndavana, it still becomes possible for them to write poetic descriptions of it."

Śrīmad-bhāgavatam, 10.33.39 comment by Srila Visvanath Chakravarti Thakur:
"One who continuously hears, glorifies or writes poetry about this autumnal rāsa-līlā and similar pastimes of Kṛṣṇa described by other poets, first of all, even if he has the heart disease of material lust, he becomes imbued with prema. Then, by it’s effect, the disease of the heart is destroyed. Thus, it is understood here that this prema is independent; it is not weak or dependent like jñāna-yoga."

Sri Krsna Samhita by Bhaktivinoda Thakura ch7.9 "The science of rasa cannot be fully explained by ordinary words, therefore poets such as Vyasadeva have elaborately described the pastimes of Krsna.  Those wonderful pastimes of the Lord are the respected wealth for both kanistha-adhikaris and uttama-adhikaris."

Chaitanya-charitamrita Antya 1.195  “'What use is a bowman’s arrow or a poet’s poetry if they penetrate the heart but do not cause the head to spin?'"

"O Brahamana go and compose songs and poetry describing the supremacy of the devotees' glories."

"Between the ocean and the stars dwells poetry" The Author

Radha-kunda was also filled with the charming nectarean poems the jubilant male and female parrots recited describing the pastimes of Lord Krishna.

"One who continuously hears, glorifies or writes poetry about this autumnal rasa lila and similar pastimes of Krishna described by other poets first of all if he has the heart disease of material lust becomes imbued with prema; then by its effects the disease of the heart is destroyed." SD 33.39

"Thus these nights (rasa lila's) were nights endowed with the virtues of all the six seasons in a year, of which all the rasas expressed in poetic works (Kavya katha) take shelter. " SD 33.25

"The hearts of poets become constantly filled with various sentiments while meditating on Krishna as he performs pastime with the gopis which are the essence of affection  - fine songs, artistic dancing, gathering filled with prema, and great mock quarrels." GC "Description of Goloka" pg.23

According to the gopis the nature of kavis or scholarly poets, is to deliberately embellish in this way.  Instead of saying "The horse is running" a poet will say "The horse if flying through the air." Gopi Gita pg 126 by B. Narayana Goswami 

Latin quote :"Poeta nascitur, Orator fit" 
                      A poet is born, an orator is made. 

Sri Vraja-riti-cintamani Text 76 "These surabhi cows are just like cintamani jewels that fulfill all desires.  Their happy calves are like pleasant summers.  Their mooing is the most beautiful poetry. They lift their ears to hear the sound of Krshna's flute."

"Remembrance is essential and important in poetic sentiment, because the present, as it may be, can not be poetic; since the poet, in one way or another, always finds himself far in the indefinite, in the vague."  Giacomo Leopardi

The memory is poetry, and poetry is nothing but memory.
Giovanni Pascoli

Sri Vraja-riti-cintamani Text 3 " A poet's poem becomes famous because of its quality of being poetic. I shall boldly declare that this poem of mine is the most poetic and best of all poems because it glorifies the transcendental land of Vraja." by Visvanath Chakravarti Thakura

"Actually before Thakura Vrndavana dasa, no one composed any book of poems regarding pure devotional service in Bengali. [...] and there is no doubt that Vrndavana dasa Thakura was an incarnation of Vyasadeva." by Bhaktivinoda Thakura

SGS 6.18.29 {...}  
where is the beautiful Yamuna river, carrying many flowers as it flows like a line of poetry... 

"Let yourself become living poetry." Rumi

Poets are regarded similar to old people and children,  they can say anything.

The Rasa Dance by Srila Kavi-karnapura "As literature is decorated with essays called sartobhadra, all forms of auspiciousness and happiness ornamented this dance.  Like skillful poetry that can be read forward and backward, the rasa dance sometimes went one way and at other times the opposite way. As poetry is marked by equal flowing syllables, the dance progressed with balanced steps and no stumbling.  As poetry is written in both local and Sanskrit languages, various statements and counter statements punctuated the dance.  As poetry is ornamented with puns, which compress two meanings in one sound tight embraces ornamented the circular dance.  As poetry is adorned in alliteration, similarly during the dance the gopis wore suitable clothing to accentuate the various movements of their hands and feet.  As poetry is ornamented with repetition, so in the dance on Krsna appeared as many.  As poetry has both flowing and syncopated meters, similarly, the dance sometimes proceeded steadily and sometimes in a halting motion."

"...The words of an expert poet can inspire the heart even without resorting to literary ornaments.  Just as even without bathing, a person becomes purified by glancing at a sacred river.  Words remain independent and faultless until the poet combines them into verses.  Similarly, even though a poetic work may be endowed with attractive ornaments, qualities and mellows, some people will only see the faults in it."  by Srila Kavi-karnapura

"Among incessant tears, a desire to write subdues all other thoughts.  I take up the pen and write, pushing aside shame and fears." Srila Jagadananda Pandit

"Although my poetry is not very sweet and is devoid of good qualities, it will be relishable for the saints because they describe Acyuta's qualities, just as the iron knife of a hunter can also be turned into gold by the touch of a touchstone even if it lies in his house." Govinda Lilamrita (Vrnda's parrot)

"The panegyrists sang waves of nectarean poetry describing Sri Krsna's glories and the male and female parrots, sparrows peacocks and other birds increased the volume of their songs." Pratah-lila

"Skilful bards! .the Supreme Lord's pastimes should be sung..." SD 4.15.23

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