Monday, 30 November 2015


 SB 10.42.32 "When he [Kamsa] looked at his reflection he could not see his head; for no reason the moon and stars appeared double; he saw a hole in his shadow; he could not hear the sound of his life air; [..] Seeing these and other such omens both while dreaming and while awake Kamsa was terrified by the prospect of death and out of anxiety he could not sleep." 

Bhagavad-gita 16.11 "The demoniac, taking shelter of insatiable lust, pride and false prestige, and being thus illusioned, are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent."
"They (asuras) believe that to gratify the senses unto the end of life is the prime necessity of human civilization. Thus there is no end to their anxiety. Being bound by hundreds and thousands of desires, by lust and anger, they secure money [wealth] by illegal means for sense gratification."  

Demoniac nature is clearly exposed in these two verses of the Bhagavad Gita. The demonic principles are mainly two - that there is no Godhead and/or acting in all possible ways as if in the position of God. Blinded by a mentality of "I", "me" and "mine", the demoniac attempt to lord it over others and material nature, exploit people and circumstances and live lives pursuing insatiable desires at any cost. 

So, I have presented the personality and psychology of Kamsa .........


No one dethroned the heavens,
but I!
and the celestial realm
and this planet
became mine,
even the immortals fled
terrified by my might.
Alas! the thunderous sound
of the broken bow
echoed the dreadful prophecy
of thunder-like words,(1)
frightens me just the same(2)
as when the bullock cart broke,
and now causes my shadow
to vanish in a hole.

Now I know,
death personified is here, 
on my threshold,
my eye quivers
heralding that which was foretold,
this boy Krishna
has come to kill me,
but - tomorrow - maybe,
one more chance to get rid
of him, his family, my relatives
and of those cowherds,
of all my foes 
once and for all ...
of this fear 
haunting me,
since before He was born.

The stars are doubled in the sky,
           an awful jackal lurks   (3)   
in the sleeplessness of this night,
awake or dreaming
ill omens are in front of my eyes,
the messenger of my death has arrived,
now is here ...
I was forced by this fear
to enact wicked deeds,
but the power of wind, (*)
the grip of pride,
even untold mystic tricks failed
against this little boy in disguise.

He is Hari!
but born from the womb (4)
of a human being,
how can I not win?
His power must be weak!
I destroyed many chariots (5)
with a kick,
and many horses I killed
with my heel,
I'll defeat destiny
and its sneer
tomorrow in the arena.
...Still, this persistent agitation
broods over me,
no relief from this vexation,
even looking at this mirror
now I fear
at my reflection ~
as I look
 my head has disappeared.

1)  SB 10.1.34 "While Kamsa, controlling the reins of the horses, was driving the chariot along the way, an unembodied voice addressed him, "You foolish rascal, the eighth child of the woman you are carrying will kill you!"

2) Sri Krishna Vijaya "By the kick of His feet, Krishna broke a bullock cart.  The sound of this kicking travelled a long distance and Kamsa became very frightened when he heard it" 

3) Gopala Campu - Ch.5.2 "Night came.  When it came, an auspicious jackal, auspicious for Krsna and inauspicious for Kamsa appeared.  Kamsa passed the fearful night dreaming and waking up."  

4) Sri Krishna Vijaya "(Kamsa tells to his demon friends) [...] As Hari has taken birth as a human being, He must have power like that of a human being, so what can He do with such limited power?

5) SGS 4.14.25  "Kicking them with his feet, Kamsa destroyed many chariots.  Kicking them with his heel, Kamsa killed many horses, He beat many elephants and many he overturned, their feet kicking in the air." 

(*) This 4 line stanza refers to the demon friends of Kamsa who were killed by Krishna in Vraja. Trnavarta is the wind demon, who represents pride according Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Most of the demons attacking Krishna represent "pride", but their grip could do nothing against Him. Also mystical tricks were used to fight Krishna by the different demons sent by Kamsa.


  1. With your poetry you've been able to nail also Kamsa! \ò/ \ò/ \ò/

  2. Wonderful! Thank you, Mataji.
