Thursday, 2 March 2017

Debt of Love

CC Antya Lila 7.43 "The conjugal love of the gopīs is the most exalted devotional service, surpassing all other methods of bhakti. Therefore Lord Krishna is obliged to say, 'My dear gopīs, I cannot repay you. Indeed, I am always indebted to you."
Prema-vilas - Ch 7. Text 126-127  by Srila Nityananda Das
"Feeling separation from Me, Radha and the gopis have given up Their lives.  Now I shall also give up My life for her.  You will see me in that condition, O Lokanath."

Excerpted from Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue No134

"With that prema they [gopis] have given up everything. [...] By their love, Krishna's promise was broken. His pormise is -'As someone approaches me I reciprocate accordingly' {Bg 4.11} Krishna never becomes indebted, He always repays his debts. But this promise of his was broken by the gopis, because the gopis do not want anything, how will he repay them?
[...] {Bhag. 10.32.22} "I have become completely indebted to you. I cannot pay you back, because you don't want anything. What shall I do?"
To pay back his debt he became Gaura, assuming the mood of Radharani is crying and feeling acute pangs of separation from Krishna. This is Gaura. [...] As Radharani is crying, crying, crying and drowning herself in this unfathomable ocean of separation, similarly Gaura is burning himself with the fire of separations from Krishna."

SBB Vol. I 6.51 "Sometimes at night He says this and that in His sleep.  Sometimes, in a most sweet voice, He utters names as if calling His cows.  Sometimes He calls His girlfriends ...."

CC Adi 17.247 "One day the Lord, in the ecstasy of the gopis, was sitting in His house.  Very morose in separation, He was calling "Gopi! Gopi!"

 “Gopi, Gopi”
He cries in His dreams
now dressed up like a king,
raving and sweating
in a golden bed,
craving for groves
and a bed of petals instead.
And He calls and weeps
seeming insane in His sleep,
so His Queens looking on ask
Who’s love is this for?
After a long pause
softly He tells
about the Gopis,
and Radha,
now barely alive,
in a kunj in Vraja,
holding on to His words
from the day that He left,
because He had promised
that He would come back.

As the ocean
returns the objects
snatched and sunk
by its waves,
love returns to His heart,
memories soaked
in amorous Moonlight
so the thought of the gopis
never leaves His mind,
nor Radha, His beloved
wearing the phases of the Moon,
loving Him with colored moods.
When in the dead of the night
they had come,
under the stars,
on the scented sand,
sitting on the river bank
              singing of their love,                 (1)
had run to Him
giving up
affections and relatives,
social customs and beliefs.
Now their love is in Him (2)
and He is overwhelmed
how to reciprocate
the love they have
and the tears they shed?
He has kingdoms,
gold, even worlds to give away,
but no treasure
that he owns could ever repay
the debt of their love.

“Gopi, Gopi”
He calls in the streets,
having reappeared
with a golden skin
now in Navadvip,
the vermilion of love
washed away by His tears,
has dyed saffron His dress
and He wanders as if obsessed,
swept away
in the unknown ocean,
of  total selfless love,
stolen from the heart
of His beloved; (3)
now He has giving up
His curls, His bells and His pearls,
His dear ones and friends,
to become a beggar,
to repay His debt,
tears incessantly gliding down
His cheeks,
sweetly carrying
Krishna's name
to His lips.

1)Sarartha Darsini 30.43-44  "Their minds absorbed in thoughts of Him, They conversed about Him, acted out His pastimes and felt themselves filled with His presence.  They completely forgot about their homes as they loudly sang the glories of Krsna's transcendental qualities."
"The gopis again came to the bank of the Kalindi.  meditating on Krsna and eagerly hoping He would come, they sat down together to sing of Him."

2) BG 9.29  "[...] Yet those who, with an offering of love, offer their love to me -
they are in me and I am also in them." - The Beloved Lord's Secret Love Song

3) Sri Garga Samhita 6.17-38 "Sri Radha's love for Lord Krishna has no rival and no equal in this world.  It is the greatest love."  


  1. Another one of your incredibly beautiful, heart-wrenching poems. Thank you for sharing with us.

  2. One to read again and again.....and then again and again.....thank you dear Devi
