Sunday, 9 July 2017

Season of surrender

From Hayasirsa pancaratra quoted in Gopala Campu Ch.1.35 "Description of Goloka" :
The pleasurable nature of material objects like flowers with fragrance and taste exist in the spiritual world as the very essence of pleasure.  Because the objects are devoid of any inferior qualities belonging to material objects they are the very form of pleasure.  Know that the faulty portions of a fruit like skin, seed and tough sections exist in material objects.  Nothing in the spiritual world is made of material elements."

Srila Prabhupada : "whether it is unripe or ripe a mango is a mango"

"Similarly, before attaining love of Godhead, you have got different stages. Just like the same mango, it passes through different stages, then one day it comes nice yellow color, fully ripened, and taste is so nice. The same mango. The mango does not change, but it comes to the mature stage." Lecture Seattle 1968

Now is the time to surrender!
The heart is turning
into a ripe mango,
a fruit in the summer
of Vraja,
without rind or peel,
it releases unobstructed
its sweet aroma,
and is now ready
to serve and to give.
Born from the creeper
twining around the trunk
of love,
this fruit of the heart
eschews pit or seed,
is soft and juicy,
determined to commit,
has no tough parts,
and fleshy and saturated
with warm sun rays,
it is golden with devotion
and firm with faith.

From a cluster of blessings
grew this pulpy fruit,
without shell or pips,
its core - an ambrosia mix
enveloped in bliss -
was nurtured by the sap
of bhakti flowing from her limbs,
so the tender shoot ripens
the tasty selfless love,
keeps flourishing and inebriating
with the colors of its qualities,
sweeter and sweeter
its fragrance far reaching
desires deeply
to be touched by the palms (1)
of its beloved Lord.

1) Madhurya Kadambini "Seventh Shower of Nectar" -"[..] he [the devotee] may suddenly try to imagine how it feels to be touched by the tender palms of the Lord..."

1 comment:

  1. When oh when will that day be mine that I can shed this encumbering skin......remove this pit....and cast away these seeds that obscure the essence of my faith....the flesh of true spirit.....caged as I am by material desires ......thank you dear Madhavalata dd for making me dive deeper
