has been just an exercise on the basis of very simple and few notions, since
the author usually writes poems and does not have a scientific background
whatsoever. The conclusion could easily
be refuted by senior and advanced scholars in myriads of ways, but the intent
was only a “healthy speculation” for talking about the marvels of the Srimad Bhagavatam.
Isaac Asimov, the father of science fiction,
once wrote an article where he stated that the opinion of past civilizations about the Earth
being flat was not completely wrong, it was just not completely
correct. In his article – “The
relativity of wrong” {1} - he firstly asserts that there is never an absolute
wrong or an absolute right opinion or theory – upon which we can only
completely agree, since due to our infinitesimal position not even
"absolute wrong" does apply.
As an example of this Asimov takes on the
theory of the flat Earth. What is the actual curvature of the Earth?
In numbers is 0,000126 per kilometer or 12.6 centimeters, so its bending mathematically equals really to 0.
In numbers is 0,000126 per kilometer or 12.6 centimeters, so its bending mathematically equals really to 0.
Then he argues more: can we say the Earth is
a sphere? No, not in the strict mathematical sense, because the Earth as a
sphere does not have all the mathematical properties, for instance its
diameters do not have all the same length. He concluded that scientist’s
theories usually are incomplete more than wrong, because their understanding
has grown with the power and accuracy of the instruments of observations. And so,
the advancing of technological equipment amends their imperfections in time.
But what I am more interested in from this
excerpt, is the flat or square Earth theory tracing back to ancient
civilizations, which usually never had unfounded theories or beliefs, on the
contrary have always some traceable roots in Vedic Knowledge.
The role of the latest archaeological
discoveries is of paramount importance for the new glimpses we have of these
bygone civilizations and their knowledge, vision and beliefs. Many testimonials of the Ancients (Giza’s Pyramids, Stonehenge, Tiahuanaco
etc) have revealed a sort of obsession for astronomical calculations and
observations and amazingly precise measurements -i.e. the Great Pyramid is a
mathematical compendium incorporating all kinds of astronomical and
cosmological formulas-, which caused some rethinking over the assumptions about
their primitive status.
There were more recent discoveries wholly
accomplished thanks to the use of computers, which means that these
civilizations could compute as efficiently. We also know today, by the studies
conducted by Charles H. Hapgood on ancient portolans {2}, that there were ancient
civilizations with a detailed knowledge of the oceans and proved sailing skills
around the northern and southern hemisphere.
So, how could they believe in a
squared or flat Earth?

in a more general sense meant the ideal plane passing through the ecliptic …
and ‘earth’ is the ideal plane consisting of the four points of the year, the
equinoxes and solstices ... [the latter] determine and define ultimately a land
which is said therefore to be quadrangular."
So, there was a belief in a quadrangular
plane in outer space and called Earth.
This naturally recalls the sloka from the
Bhagavatam, which states:
is explained to be that portion of outer space through which the heat and light
of the sun extend.” SB 5.16.4 Purport
Bhuloka or Bhumandala is the disk of land,
which cut the egg of the universe in its diameter through the ecliptic and is
encompassed by the mountain range called Lokaloka. This description finds a
similarity with the Earth described in the above excerpt from “Hamlet Mill.”
HG Sadaputa das in his Vedic Cosmography
“Many bits
and pieces of information can be collected from old myths and legends
suggesting that a cosmology similar to that of the Bhagavatam was widely
disseminated in ancient times.”
He also affirms that traces of this knowledge
came through in a “distorted, fragmentary
form in various traditions.”
Moreover Bhumandala is higher-dimensional
therefore not accessible by our senses, therefore the more we move away in time
from Vedic society and knowledge, more the consciousness succumbs to vitiated
intelligence and the vision of the universe becomes only what is comprehensible
to our tiny position in the universe, relegated to our tiny planet Earth. Thus
the ”big” Earth {4} of the understanding and vision of the ancients became the
“small” Earth of this globe, just retaining its squared and flat form. So, we
have found one ring of connection with the Bhagavatam and the thesis of the
squared Earth. A flat not-spherical land called Earth was located in space.
Now I would like to make a further step and
find another ring linked to this subject and
subsequently to the Srimad Bhagavatam,
and this is the “Terrestrial Paradise.” I do not think that ever a
scholar or theologian of Catholic background has made any connection between
the squared and flat Earth theory – very much sustained for centuries by the
Vatican – and the Terrestrial Paradise of biblical sources.

Plaksadvipa] … they live for one thousand years. They are beautiful like the
demigods and they also beget children like the demigods.”
A biblical reference tells us that Adam lived
for nearly 1000 years (Genesis 5:4).
It is healthy speculation to conclude that the “Terrestrial Paradise” sometimes
believed to be in Babylon, because supposedly located on Earth, is the famous
“squared and flat Earth” in outer space: Bhumandala not visible or accessible
to people of lower consciousness and terrestrial as described and located in
the universe.
To this extent I would also like to retell
the story of a disciple of Sri Madhvacarya, the acarya of our Parampara, who
was disciple of Srila Dvaipayana Vyasadeva. Once Sri Madhvacarya had to go to
meet his spiritual master and took his disciple with him for the long journey
to the Himalaya. The disciple recalls that when they came to a certain point,
he was asked to go back and he saw Madhavacarya "walking above the
mountains into the other dimension" or Uttara Badrinath.
So, in the higher dimension, often referred
to by HG Sadaputa Prabhu, there is, inexplicably for our present understanding,
sensorial perception and realizations, a continuum from this planet into the
higher dimension of Bhu-mandala and precisely Jambudvipa, where Bharata Varsa
(our planet) is located by the Bhagavatam.
So, we can conclude that the plane of
Bhumandala through the ecliptic was the quadrangular Earth delimited by the
solstices and equinoxes as contemplated by the ancient civilizations, which
became, due to a fragmentary knowledge of the original Vedic cosmography, the
theory of the flat and squared Earth intended as our planet and consequently to
the general dramatic drop in consciousness, the capacity of perceiving or
conceiving a higher dimension was also lost.
Traces of this theory are in the Catholic
tradition, where the squared Earth theory was for long time supported, but
probably the “big” Earth in outer space leaves a more remarkable trace in the
belief of a “terrestrial paradise”, where Adam and Eva were dwelling, since
descriptions of the life and attributes on Bhumandala in the Bhagavatam
reconcile with the biblical descriptions of Eden.
Everything is in the Bhagavatam!
1) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
2) Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings – Evidence of
Advanced Civilizations in the Ice age - by Charles H. Hapgood (edition 1996)
3) Hamlet’s Mill by De Santillana and Von Dechend
4) Ref., Vedabase
- Vamsidhara on Bhu-mandala and
the Earth Globe, Appendix I
Definitely a departure from your poetry still a wonderful read....Thank you for always expanding my thinking process
ReplyDeleteI spent few days completely absorbed in writing this article, which was not so easy for me, but I wanted to share so much the many realizations and visions offered in the Bhagavatam, that today-after its posting- as soon as I got up I jotted down my new poem in less than a hour..... will let you know when comes out. Thanks for nice comments ...always. <3
DeleteHi, I also believe in flat earth cosmology and made many studies. I started a blog YOur blog is very interesting . Visit my blog.
ReplyDeleteNice blog! ... I'm sure you would like to read similar research by a Vaisnava/Catholic historian called Bhakti Ananda Goswami. Google his name and read his findings of how Krishna's Goloka Paradise relates to Biblical Paradise and the Mystery Schools of Greece & Ancient Mediteranean Vaisnavism.
ReplyDeleteThanks for appreciating the blog. I am already following Bhakti Ananda Goswami in Facebook. Yes, he has very interesting insights.
DeleteA three part article on the flat-earth concept of Srimad Bhagavatam can be found here:
An ebook on the subject can be found here:
Y.S Mayesvara dasa
Thank you, I am reading. Haribol!
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