The many aspects of the eccentricity of Nityananda defeat the madness of illusory existence without the Lord. Without Balaram we will believe the uniqueness of Maya. For the mercy of Lord Nityananda we can realize the existence of the Lord in mantras. Balarama embodies the quality of omnipresence of the Lord. For the grace of Lord Nityananda we receive the Mahamantra and for His grace we hear it while we chant it. By developing infinitesimally one quality of one mouth of Ananta Sesa, Lord Balaram, we transcend the material energy. The intent of the creation as enacted by Lord Balaram is spiritual. Lord balarama is in constant expansion through each sound which is uttered to glorify the Lord. Whatever form re-establishes the existence of the Lord is Balaram. Lord Balaram when manifests His lila in the material world is often furious because the refusal of the Lord, present only here, is the challenge to Him, who is the very existence of the Lord.
"The Sesa who is the adhara-sakti (supporter-power) of the bedstead of Visnu (Wielder of the Sarnga bow), is in the category of God (Visnu-tattva).
The Sesa who bears the globes is an avesa-Avatara (absorption-avatara) of Krsna (or Sankarsana), and therefore He is (also) known as Sankarsana. The bedstead feature of Sesa always considers Himself to be an eternal servitor and friend of the Lord Sarngadhara (wielder of the Sarnga bow)."Bhaktisiddhanta S. Thakur
Nitai is Baladev (1)
without chess board
but with a love load
abandoning all rules
has become an avadhut.
Balaram is the throne,
the umbrella, the flute
Nitai is the servant of Mahaprabhu,
Nitai is Baladev and Ananta Sesa,
with thousands mouths
chants "Hari Hari" in Gaudadesha;
Nitai is Balaram
the sustainer of the worlds
catches Nimai
who in love sways and falls, (2)
always by His sides
Nitai holds his crackedling throne. (3)
Nitai is Baladev, unarmed
shooting love through His glance
brings the river of prem,
without a plow in His hand;
Balaram constantly, repeatedly
expands in sound
Nitai graces all entities
with the Great Mantra
and the abilitity to hear it
as the Paramatma.
Balaram is Nitai,
who carries a staff
His clothes are blue
wears one earring
and has become an avadhut.
Balaram has the gait of an elephant
reveals force and power
but Nitai, with the soft feet of a dancer
intoxicated by sweetness, meanders;
Nitai is Balaram causing an ocean to rise
the heart cannot stop to dance and to cry
leaving the ego and the pride
to drown and die.
Nitai is Balaram the upholder of rules
but now is an avadhut.
1 1) CC Adi 5.6 "That original Lord Kṛṣṇa appeared in Navadvīpa as Lord Caitanya, and Balarāma appeared with Him as Lord Nityānanda."
2) ”As the powerful Nityananda caught hold of the Lord, Advaita secretly took the dust from the Lord’s feet.” Caitanya Bhagavata MK 8.143
3) “He (Caitanya) sat down upon Vishnu’s throne. The seat crakled under His weight. Nityananda quickly rushed to hold up.” Caitanya Bhagavata MK 8.283
Hello Marina,
ReplyDeleteHope you are doing fine :)
Miss your posts , hope you will post again soon !
Lost Gopi