KS Anu 157 : "The Supreme Lord beyond the gunas, without fault, the original creator, having many forms, becomes one again and rests." Sri Madhavacharya
Stavavali pg 223 - Txt 91 : "I pray that Lord Krishna, who also places His lotus feet on the hoods of Ananta Sesa, will permit me to reside in His land of Vraja."
I have come to see You Lord,
I have come to see You Lord,
where You lie and dream
exhaling this breath,
primal beat of time
out of eternity.
From an infinite glance of Your eyes,
and by just a shadow of Your desire,
unlimited clusters of universes
come into being;
In this obscurity where You are not seen,
countless entities manifest,
suspended in the sound
of the soft whiff in Your sleep;
that exhaled whisper
perceptible in everyone’s
heart, (1)
echoed in mantras and hymns,
and awakening the souls
to devotedly sing ~
all seem to cradle Your sleep;
in them, in forms of Yourself,
in the objects of Your creation,
You, aloof from transformation,
repeatedly, successively, perpetually
expand within and without
in the bewildering reality
of Your existence.
I came to sit, oh
my Lord,
in this mandapa
at Your feet,
in the beams of
Your toenails
radiating bliss
untouched by this
of miseries and fatigue,
since whatever
they touch,
like hearts and
the Dhams,
then shine with
the beauty
of innumerable
resplendent suns.
O Lord, here you are ~
the Absolute in your Godhood,
in greatness and minuteness,
infinite and complete,
but an ecstatic incompleteness
betrayed by Your flute,
of white
and the lotus-deep-blue hue (2)
and the lotus-deep-blue hue (2)
and celestial fragrances
of Your soft petal-like feet,
where Your perfection
in giving and accepting love
secretly completes the Absolute. (3)
I came to pray, My Lord,
now that I am aware of
my inability to love.
1) SB 12.6.41 “The entire expanse of Vedic
sound is elaborated from omkara, which appears from the soul, within the sky of
the heart.”
2) "The Lord’s lotus feet have the tenderness of the
petals, the hue of a night lotus, the fragrance of a celestial lotus and the
effulgence of the white night lotuses. The bee-like mind of the devotee can
taste the sweetness of this lotus."
3) Gopala
Campu pg 366 "The highest enjoyment for Krishna is
feeling incomplete and by enjoying with the Gopis he feels complete."
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