Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Sri Nitai bestowing ecstatic love 
If you ever see me dancing with one arm stretched out in front of Sripad Nityananda Gosai and Lord Gouranga, after reading this poem you will know that I am asking for a shred of His kaupina, to place on my head, because without a fragment of His mercy Bhakti is unattainable. This Sri Caitanya has revealed.   You will know that in my mind I am rolling at His feet, begging for a drop of their nectar and shelter, while I imagine to smear on my head the dust from the feet of His dear devotees.  In remembrance I am dancing in this vision of my heart.  

Sunday, 15 September 2013


When Shyamasundar left Vraja, when Gourasundar left Gaudadesh there has been a parallelism in the feelings of the devotees.  They all fell in a ocean of separation.  These two poems were written together to expose the similarity of the moods, to unveil the continuity of the Lord's pastimes and to taste the same emotions upon his departure....  before and after.  I invite the readers to the secret of love tears in two distant, profanely different places. There is a trail of tears between Vraja and Navadvipa....

Sunday, 8 September 2013

GIVE ME LOVE - The Ballad of the Madman

Krishna thinking of Radha

Krishna loves Radha and He acts like a madman to see Her, to get closer to Her, to clamp His eyebrows to Her eyebrows. 

HH Gour Govinda Maharaja reveals how Krishna is mad for Radha's love and this poem is inspired by his lecture, which I suggest to listen at.

Caitanya Caritamrta Adi Lila I 4.122 

পুর্নানান্দা মায়া আমি চিন্মায়া  পুর্না তাতত্ভা
রাধিকার প্রেমে আমা করায়া উন্মত্ত 

"I am the full spiritual truth and am made of full joy, but the love of Śrīmatī Rādhārāī drives Me mad."
Now also put into music :

                                                 ~ ~ ~
GIVE ME LOVE - The Ballad of the Madman

Every  night He draws a full moon for meeting You  (1)
He makes lakes of flowers to bloom
And He paints many dawns in the skies
For remembering the lotus of Your eyes

He cries : Radhe Radhe where are you?

In many dresses He comes in a disguise
As the gardener or the laundry-man wife
to touch your garments or to garland You
wanders from the ghats to the kunds

He calls  : Radhe Radhe where are You?

Roves the roads rummaging every part
Waiting  to see You walk down the path
His friends mock Him when you pass
He pales and drops His flute and sash

His voice chokes : Radhe Radhe let me see You

The night He stands behind the tree,
keen to see His Dream unseen
when You bathe upstream, He swims
where flowers and water flow from Your skin

He despairs : Radhe Radhe where are You?

Roams restless through the groves and the lands
crying up the hill and on the river banks
Mudded and maddened, rolls in the sands,
as a Beggar of Your love and dancer in Your hands

 He pleas : Radhe Radhe give Me Your love!

(1) Sri Krishna Sandarbha, Anuccheda 172 : "In Goloka Vrindavana there are a spiritual sun and moon, and the full moon rises each night because it never wanes."                                    
The embellishments I used for this poem are inspired by the medieval Ballad.

For instance using the same consonant in three words in a row i.e. "roves the roads rummaging every part" or rhyming in the same stanza i.e. "keen to see His Dream unseen"  characterizes the Ballad.

Also the refrain at the end of a set of stanzas is typical of the "ballad" for the etymology of the word comes from French and it means " poem for a dance".
Therefore the nature of a Ballad is musical and the rhythm imbues the poetry.