Saturday, 6 July 2019


Visnu Purana "One gopi looking at Govinda became extremely joyful and began to repeatedly sing His name "Krsna! Krsna! Krsna!"  She could say nothing else."

This poem was inspired by the power of chanting for transforming the heart, but also to  suggest the need to be active in this process where many micro-results, like the stages of a ripening fruit,have to be achieved in order to steadily adding mature insights to our surrender. 

Caitanya Bhagavata M.L. 28.27 "You all go now, utter the name of Krishna, chant the name of Krishna, do krsna-bhajana.   Don't think of anything else but Krishna."
If I do not call out to you
Krishna, Krishna, Krishna,
how could I stop listening
the whispers
      of the weaknesses of my heart?   (1)
while my deluded mind
repeats deceitfully
 "you are just fine".

If I do not cry for You
Krishna, Krishna, Krishna,
feeling helpless,
how could  I place in your hands
                  my days ?               (2)
       and increase my faith     
perceiving Your benevolence
in events and people
fostering Your aid.

If I, within myself,
do not continue chanting
Krishna, Krishna, Krishna,
how could I carry my heart
to the tender of Bhakti?
        while the iron boat of conceit     (3)
sinks into the eerie abyss
of treacherous hedonists ,
where I was again tricked.

If my whole being does not resonate
Krishna, Krishna, Krishna,
how could you, in my heart,
awake me to the emotion
so to accept the truths
about my soul, the creation and You?
         I would have no memory of         (4)
nor could I make of them any use.

But if my tongue calls
Krishna, Krishna, Krishna,
without your name
resounding in my soul,
it would not desist
from useless talks, 
the Ego's soliloquy
the invective words,
how then could it dance free
to the sweetness of the songs
about your names and forms?

1) There are four kinds of Anartha (Vani Vaibhava of BVThakur) : 1) identifying the body with the self 2) thirst for material enjoyment 3) offensiveness 4) weakness of the heart.
Anarthas produced from weakness of heart.
1) laziness 2) subordination to insignificant objects; 3) bewilderment of heart due to lamentation; 4) distraction from pure devotional service due to false argument; 5) miserliness in offering all one's energy to the cultivation of Krishna consciousness; 6) rejection of humility due to the pride of caste, wealth, education, followers, beauty, and strength; 7) willingness to be misguided by irreligious propensities and instructions; 8) disinterest in rectifying prejudice; 9) abandonment of compassion due to anger, illusion, envy; 10) intolerance; 11) false identification of the self as a Vaisnava due to the desire for name, fame, and the cheating propensity; 12) and the torture of other living entities that arises from the desire to enjoy women, wealth and other forms of sense gratification.

2) Skanda Purana "If a person rises in the morning and chants 'Krishna, Krishna', I shall bestow all welfare upon him." 

When faith become deep (first tender then firm) transforms into steadiness (nishta), taste (ruci), attachment (rati or asakti) and bhava.

3)  ".....boarding a stone boat, and so too are those who blindly follow them. A stone boat would be unable to float and would sink in the water with its passengers. Similarly, those who mislead people go to hell, and their followers go with them.- Srimad Bhagavatam, Purport, 6.7.14

4) Prema Bhakti-chandrika "Dhyana is another word for smarana "