Tuesday, 3 July 2018


SB 1.15.5  "Arjuna said : O King! The Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari, who treated me exactly like an intimate friend, has left me alone.  Thus my astounding power, which astonished even the demigods, is no longer with me."
Arjun remembering Krishna after
His departure
When Krishna decides to leave the planet, Arjuna  is left deeply aggrieved by a sentiment of separation.  Coming back from Dvaraka he speaks to Yudhisthira the pains of his heart now that his dearest friend has left.  Krishna has always enhanced the glories of his devotee and friend and now Arjuna reveals how Krishna was glorious in causing and facilitating all his victories, as he had not that power and ability without his friendship.

Four principles of friendship - 1) Trust; 2) knowledge about the friend; 3) to concede, ability to give out one's opinions and position to comply with friend's; 4) Opening one's heart are imbued in this poetry,as Arjuna speaks about his friendship with Krishna so that one can be inspired in cultivating the devotional service's anga -to become friend with Krishna - in the most personal and desirable way that Krishna appreciates and enjoys.
This is independently of the eternal sakhya-rasa, because friendship is developed during sadhana bhakti is based on respect.
The beauty of this passage in the Bhagavatam is the unveiling of the sakhya rasa of Arjuna in a time of separation revealing all the depth of his loving relationship with Krishna, which in Bhagavad Gita is presented veiled by the dasya mood.

Four reasons for which Arjuna trusts his friend Krishna completely : SBB 5.69-70 "No one is dearer to me than the Supreme Brahman, Krsna, with His all-enchanting beautiful form.  He has given Himself to me, who have complete faith in Him. He is the reservoir of pure unconditional mercy, the upholder of His word, the best of well-wishing friends, the omnipotent Lord of all."

If you ask me,
to my grieved soul
to remember His words
might be calming,
might console,
but would carry more tears
to my longing heart
as scent wafted in a breeze ~
He has left me...
I have no power,
the universe is empty
and this world unattractive,
             repulsive and without joy,          (1)
vain and lifeless,
His absence causes me, a warrior,
to be powerless,
also my chariot and horse
my bow and weapons
have also lost their force;
His shelter made me fearless,
to conquer the celestial King,
because of Him, I could sit
on the heavenly throne
and by His power I received
weapons from the gods
and became undefeatable
as I consented
to His divine words;
from He only came
the strength to revenge
the untied hair of Panchali, the Queen,
as even against my teachers and relatives,
only due to Him could I defeat
so many wicked but mighty kings;
He gave me prowess
by sitting  as my charioteer,
to fight an ocean-wide army
and He made me victorious ~ by tricks
since it was He ... not me,
nor my hand nor my bow
but His glance to deprive
formidable warriors of their mind
and their ability to fight.

Recalling His joking words,
the feeling of His arms,
His eloquence, His splendid smile,
the charm of His sweet voice
and sweet ways ...
calling me with the sweetest names
                 "O Joy", "O Friend"                (2)
touches my heart again and again;
within my memories
I melt into that intimacy
when together we ate or slept
walked, talked and sat,
and amiable ~ He,
reciprocating with my devotion
and friendship,
also eager to fulfill
my desire to probe
into His unsaid love,
         took me into the hidden abode         (3)
of the ways of His heart.

O Brother,
no kingdom or wealth
can ever bathe my heart
in that happiness;
so I sing to my self
to my heart in separation
          the secret song of His love.       (4)

1) This repulsion is born of Arjuna's seeing the absence of Krishna, not by seeing the transformation of Maya which can be a jnani vision still on the materialistic platform. This is an expression of transcendental rasa.

2) SD 1.15.18 "he partha he 'rjuna sakhe kuru-nandaneti"
Kuru-nandaneti is translated as "Joy of the Kuru". The poet took a poetic license and just used the word "Joy".

3) NVM Vol.IV pg.47 (in short  the story of Arjuniya) "O Krsna! If You truly accept me as a faithful and intimate friend, tell me something of Your beloved gopis that You have not disclosed to anyone else.... Krsna raised His eyebrow and gently nodded....Please tell me of the various kinds of gopis their names, where they live, how they dress, what their ages are and how You exchange loving pastimes with them."  "...the Lord embraced His friend and replied, "What you have asked for cannot be explained in words.  One must partake of it directly, in a body fit for the task."  "Thrice Arjuna fully submerged himself and then came out of the water, .....Bending over the surface of the lake, Arjuna gazed in wonder at his reflection...a beautiful young gopi...-to be known as Arjuniya."

4) SD 1.5.30 Comm. "Most confidential scripture (sastra-guhyatamam) is pure bhakti, which was given to Uddhava and Brahma in the Bhagavatam and to Arjuna in the Gita by the Lord."

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