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Golden as Radha's love |
"Vrinda : Alas ! Alas! The pain of separation from Mukunda has unsettled Radha's mind. Sometimes She runs about, and sometimes She stands still like a painted picture. Sometimes She laughs, and sometimes She weeps bitterly. Sometimes She is very talkative, and sometimes She is silent." Lalita Madhava Scene 1- Unmatta-radhika
When Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu recited this verse, He immediately fell to the ground unconscious. He was overwhelmed and had no control over Himself.
Exhibiting ecstatic emotions, the Lord began to run here and there, making resounding noises. Sometimes He laughed, and sometimes He cried, and sometimes He danced and sang.
Trembling, perspiration, jubilant tears, shock, fading of the bodily luster, disappointment, moroseness, loss of memory, pride, joy and humility were all visible in Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu's body." CC ML 4.198-202
Krishna wants to
experience Radha's exalted love for Him.
HH Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata
Maharaja in a class in Houston during Gour Purnima (see link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bodZ6MeuQF0) makes the analogy of the musk
and scent, the sun and its rays. He explains that although Krishna is
like the musk, in that position He cannot experience His own scent. Even
though the musk and its scent can never be separated, only in Radha's position
the scent can be experienced.
"Sri Radha is the full potency and Lord krsna is the possessor of full potency. As evidenced by the revealed scriptures, the two are not different. They are indeed the same. Just as musk and its scent are inseparable. or as fire and its heat are not different, thus Sri Radha and Sri Krsna are one, yet They have taken two forms to enjoy the relish of pastimes." CC Adi 4.96-98Krishna even if He desires to take the position of the scent, being the musk He cannot, He would have to give up His godhood in order to take Radha's position. So, He is trying to persuade Radha to give Him Her love.
The poem is about Radha's
responding to His request. She tells Krishna about the pains and joy of
Her love as described in the above verses from Caitanya Caritamrita, where the
symptoms of ecstatic divine love are shown by Lord Caitanya in the mood
of Radha. It is only through the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu that we can
have a glimpse of Radha's love.
The love of Radha moves
Her to give unconditionally, it's the nature of Her love and this mood is
expressed in the Sikshastakam prayers,
know no one but Krishna as my Lord, and He shall remain so even if He handles
me roughly by His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not being present before
me. He is completely free to do anything and everything, for He is always my
worshipful Lord unconditionally."
Radha, though, knows the burning, the rolling on the ground in this love delirium, so she offers Her body to Krishna as an armor to protect Him, His delicate limbs and because of this embrace of love Lord Caitanya will appear with a golden complexion.
♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ In melody ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
You want to make my love
musk is not meant
to fall enchanted
by its own scent,
Why do you want my love?
It's like gold
cast in flames
of restlessness, of
of others’ blame,
mad ~ I laugh and cry
lost in oblivion,
with eyes blinded
by ceaseless tears,
my skin knowing nothing
but sweat and shivers,
the touch of rough soil and dust
the touch of rough soil and dust
when this body is crushed
under the burden of
this love.
What do you want this
love for?
Like a wind-tossed boat
I am raised at times
by waves of hope
then suddenly,
dropped - morose,
and wherever I fall,
whether on rain soaked
or a petaled bed,
my being burns,
confused and
swept along the saffron
riverbank of
separation. (1)
In the whirls of this
at times I float,
sometimes I sink,
in a sweet yet bitter
But this love
is the essence of Me,
I'll have no reason
to live
once you plunder it,
you do what you want with me.
My love moves to
give ~
since you will
walk many roads
and fall in the dust,
and fall in the dust,
I pain at the thought
of your limbs,
softer than a lotus
trembling, rolling
and being scratched on the ground,
in an ocean of love tears
so let me enfold You with my body
in this golden
an amorous armor
to prevent You pain,
and I,
as a shadow of my
hollow ~ I will follow ~
wherever You carry
my heart.
(1) “Adopting
Radha’s complexion and the saffron-coloured cloth of separation …” Sri Prema Vilasa Text 128
Un Abbraccio Dorato
Vuoi fare Tuo il mio amore,
il muschio non si inebria
del proprio profumo,
Perché vuoi il mio amore?
E 'come oro
fuso in questa fiamma
di irrequietezza, di dolore,
del biasimo altrui
pazza, rido e piango
perduta, inconsapevole
con gli occhi accecati
dalle lacrime incessanti
la mia pelle non conosce
altro che brividi e sudore
la polvere e il tocco ruvido del suolo
quando questo corpo si accascia
sotto il peso di questo amore..
Per cosa vuoi questo amore?
come una barca agitata dal vento
sospinta in alto
da onde di speranza
poi improvvisamente,
spinta giu' - sofferente -cado
sulla terra bagnata
o su un letto di petali
ovunque Il mio essere brucia,
confuso e senza fiato,
trascinato lungo
la sponda della separazione
nei vortici di questo cuore
in agitazione
a volte galleggio,
a volte affondo,
in un abisso - dolce ed amaro.
Ma questo amore,
è la mia essenza
non ho altra ragione di vivere
quando lo prenderai per Te,
fai quello che vuoi di me
questo amore sa dare,
ma quando camminerai
molte strade e cadrai
nella polvere,
mi dolgo al sol pensare
alle Tue membra
più morbide di un germoglio,
quando tremante rotolerai
sulla terra graffiante
tra le lacrime
nel delirio di questo amore,
allora permettimi di avvolgerTi
con questo corpo
in questo abbraccio d'oro
come un'armatura d'amore
Per proteggerti dalle pene,
ed io,
come un'ombra del mio amore
svuotata - ti seguirò
ovunque porterai il mio cuore.
Offerings of love for the Lord, perhaps I can sew cloth, while you lovingly string words together that create such beautiful dresses to adorn Their Lordships. Like garlands, like musical notes that not only capture the mind and heart, but allow a deeper vision.......
ReplyDeleteWould love to sit at your feet while you sew and share Krishna katha ...