CC Adi Lila 14.3 “I have thus described in
brief the advent of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, who appeared as the son
of mother Śacī, exactly as Kṛṣṇa appeared
as the son of mother Yaśodā.”
Sri Navadvipa-dhama Mahatmya
“You should know that all the pastime places of Vrndavana are situated within
this place. Make no distinction between Vrndavana and Navadvipa, nor between
Gouranga and Krsna" -
excerpted from
This poem was inspired by the poetry: "The holder of the flute now carries a danda"
by the medieval Gaudiya Vaishnava poet Balaram Das
ref. Sri Krishna Karnamrita No9 - pg.34
There is continuity in
the Lord’s pastimes and by the mercy of Lord Caitanya, His devotees
simultaneously reside in Vraja and Navadvip absorbed in the Lord's pastimes
within their hearts. This poem unfolds
this meditation.
What sort of dream did I fall into?
Is it day or is it night?
The sun did not rise this time
like a king,
but from the river of bliss
has appeared as a bright Moon disk.
What a day is today!
There is no blue in the sky ~
it shines like a golden twilight,
the birds do not chirp,
only a mantra they repeat,
I cannot believe what I see,
the places that used to be,
are forests of memories
treasured by sentient trees,
the lions, ducks, doves and deer
attracted by the mystic sound
are not stunned, but dance around,
even though the flute
lies like a broken drum in a kunj.
This wonderment does confuse!
Two coconuts are carried
instead of two shoes,(2)
and instead of a clay jar of curd,
the heart is stolen
from a rusty iron pot of water. (3)
What to say about this day,
when the creamy sweet rice
turns saffron with sak and spice!
I am really under a spell ~
what came in a lake,
today comes in a well (4)
for a friend,
who once was sent with secrets,
given to him by the same hands
that gave gems,
after taking fruits and love,
today are the hands
of the Gardener,
Who grants
fruits of love from His plants, (5)
if one ecstatically chants.
Surely this day is a trick,
the charioteer has not come
on wheels, but with a stick, (6)
to take away again the Thief
who steal the hearts,
albeit today He appears gilded
He freely gives
His wealth of love as a gift;
His wealth of love as a gift;
what I sense today,
oddly recalls the day
the tailor screamed
“I have seen, I have seen”, (7)
forever maddened in joy,
because from the chanting golden youth
came out
running a little blue boy.
Srivas Angan in Sri Mayapur Dhama – Lecture by Madhavananda
Prabhu on SB 10.35.4-5
(2) CC Adi Lila Summary Ch.14 and Txt 47 “..when
His mother fainted He brought a coconut to her on His head,[...]” – “He then
went outside the house and immediately brought two coconuts. All the ladies
were astonished to see such wonderful activities.” In Krishna Lila small Gopal
used to carry Nanda Baba's shoes on his head.
(3) CC Adi lila 10.68 “Every day Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu jokingly snatched fruits, flowers and
pulp from Śrīdhara [Kolavecha] and drank from his broken iron pot.
IN Vrindavana Krishna used to steal butter from clay jars in the houses of the gopis.
(4) For the desire of His devotees
in Vrindavana, Krishna brought the sacred Ganga in a lake –the Manasi Ganga -
so that they could take bath in her holy waters.
In Goura Lila, his
dear devotee Paramanda Puri – Uddhava in Krishna lila – had made an ashram behind
the west side of the Jagannath temple, but his well had bitter water. For
this Lord Caitanya called the Ganga into his well.( ref CC Adi Lila 9.13-15 Purport)
- Uddhava carried
Krishna's message to Vraja : SB10.46.2 –
‘The Supreme Lord Hari,
[....]once took the hand of His fully devoted, dearmost friend Uddhava and
addressed him as follows. "Dear gentle Uddhava,
go to Vraja and
give pleasure to Our parents. And also relieve the gopis, suffering in separation from Me, by giving them My message.
(5) Cc adi lila
9.9 Thus the Lord
brought the desire tree of devotional service to this earth and became
its gardener. He sowed the seed and sprinkled upon it the water of His will.
adi lila 10.161 Every
branch and sub-branch of the tree is full of innumerable fruits and flowers.
They inundate the world with the waters of love of Kṛṣṇa.
(6) Kesava Bharati, who gave sannyasa to Lord Caitanya, it is understood to
be Akrura in Krishna Lila, by some prominent devotees.
CC Adi Lila 9.15 Purport - “ […] from the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika
(117): iti kecit prabhashante
'krurah kesava-bharati. "According
to some authoritative opinions, Kesava Bharati is
an incarnation of Akrura." Kesava Bharati offered
the sannyasa order
to Sri CaitanyaMahaprabhu in
the year 1432 sakabda (A.D. 1510) in Katwa. This is stated in the Vaishnava-manjusha, Part Two.
Cc Adi Lila 17.230-31 There was a tailor who was a meat-eater but was sewing garments for
Śrīvāsa Thākura. The Lord, being merciful
to him, showed him His own form. Saying
"I have seen! I have seen!" and dancing in ecstatic love as though
mad, he became a first-class Vaiṣṇava.
A wealth of knowledge and Golden pastimes of our Lord Gaura Hari....who is non-different from my Lord and Master Sri Govinda Deva! I am blessed to be able to peak into the heart and mind of this splendid devotee, Madhavalata dd as she creates garlands of golden lotus' and dresses of golden threads for the most magnificent Lord Gaura Hari with her golden words....for this I am thankful