One speck of Prabhupada’s dust
is all I want
to place on my tongue
to always speak the glories
of the Lord,
in this way the grain will multiply
to storm with compassion
and love the humankind,
His Divine Grace so desired.
And one more I need
from his Lotus feet
to put in my ears
to properly hear
the chanting, the sound
that he so mercifully
has brought down.
And one more speck
I wish to have
to keep in my heart
so this rascal and crook
will become a worthy recipient
of the message in his books.
Oh, one more grain of dust
I beg to receive from his
to hold in my hands
so to give, give, give
as he tirelessly did.
Still one more I desire
to place on my eyes
thus to see in every condition
the way to serve with Bhakti
his transcendental mission.
And once more again
I plead, for one grain
of his dust and with faith
I will treasure it in my mind
so as to always be reminded
of the Lord and His Name
because for spreading It
His Divine Grace came.
I remain a beggar
of Srila Prabhupada’s dust
in those streets of love
he has opened for all
of us.
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