Friday, 28 February 2014


This poem celebrates the dancing of Lord Caitanya amidst His devotees. It is to celebrate the Gour Purnima festival when the Sankirtan Movement manifests the vision of Lord Nityananda.  It celebrates the descent of the Holy Names in this degraded age, the unique dancing and tears of this incarnation of the Lord of matchless glories.   It celebrates this special land of Gaudadesh, Mayapur, where Lord Caitanya, the Golden Avatar, has attracted crowds, in millions, in billions to chant and dance in ecstatic love which flows uninterrupted from His munificent personality. It celebrates the gold of this appearance of the Lord, the golden of His complexion, the golden love of Radha and celebrates all the devotees that come to this land as pilgrims of this love, even if just only in their heart, casket of this treasure.

So, inspired by a chronicle (Caitanya Bhagavata AnKI 3.381-439) of the time describing one of the many occurrences when myriads of people moved across this land to meet the Golden Lord, this poem draws a parallel into modern days through a true  prophecy of the time –in the poem foretold by an imaginary character “the pilgrim of Kuliya” (Kuliya = the present Navadvipa) - that people from all over the world will gather to this place to get this inestimable gift of devotion. 
Bards and Poets!
Give up tales
of golden cities 
and magic lands
and sing instead of Gaudadesh!
As the pilgrim of Kuliya has told,
 at one time there
arose the Sun and the Moon, 1
predicting a golden age.

Hear of the Golden Lord
the pilgrim of Kuliya saw,
who once was in that land
when He walked upon this Earth.
People in millions set forth, 
crossing meadows, forests and waters,
to search for the gold 
 of that Divine Love,
and to see for themselves the golden hue of His limbs
that no one had seen before!
As hundreds of thousands of choruses,
and multitudes of voices echoed prayers and cheers,
the pilgrim of Kuliya recalled an ocean formed, 
no doubt filled by love's tears;
Because  myriads chanted the Name of Hari
the  jewel of refulgent love, 
Goura Avatari came
 amidst that delirious crowd,
and soft as a saffron cloud,
danced hardly touching the ground,
chanting Krishna’s names
 pure love abounded in all parts,
flowing from His person,
to everybody's hearts.

For thousands of years to come,
the pilgrim of Kuliya foretold,
many will gather together
to partake eagerly of that gold,
more people than you can imagine
from all countries and all races,
will come to this land
in festive crowds, to a festival of raised hands,
and in a feast of cheers shouting “Hari Hari”
for a drop of that aurous mercy,
 in raptures during the chant
He will appear to dance,
pouring out love as fluid gold
on the iron cage of the soul.

These words I repeat as I heard them
from the pilgrim of Kuliya,
my heart sings and dances
like a pilgrim of love
returning again in the midst of that crowd,
 calling to the Golden Lord 
for a spark of that gold,
 I beg for His love chanting "Hari Hari"
 and all at once - as if by a spell,
 I’m there in Gaudadesh.

1)       SB 12.2.24When the moon the sun and Brhaspati are together in the constellation Karkata and all three enter simultaneously into the lunar mansion Pusya- at that exact moment the age of Satya or Krta will begin”. 


The land of Gaudadesh is the cone of light irradiating the night when all around is enveloped by deep darkness.  In this night of the soul the Golden Lord of Love appeared in this holy land causing this cone of light by the chanting of the Holy Names and hundreds of thousands of hearts were submerged by the resplendence of His Divine Love.
 This land is forever trampled by the whirling steps of the ecstatic dances of Lord Gouransundara, and millions ever since come to this land to receive a drop of that love.  The kirtans, the cheers,  the acclamations, the chanting, the name of Hari always resound on this land filling the hearts with devotion because the Golden Lord never leaves this place and dances among His devotees bestowing Bhakti.  So compare to the gold of the form of Lord Caitanya, the mundane gold and wealth has no value and loses its attractiveness.  Love and devotion is the gold of the soul, the liquid to quench its thirst for Divine Love.
So inspired by a chronicle of the time describing one of the many occurrences when myriads of people moved across this land to meet the Golden Lord, this poem draws a parallel into modern days through a true  prophecy of the time –in the poem foretold by an imaginary character “the pilgrim of Kuliya” ( Kuliya = the present Navadvip) - that people from all over the world will gather to this place to get this inestimable gift of devotion.
So my heart becomes a pilgrim of love wandering in remembrance of this special land and the magic spiritual stories of when the Munificent Lord walked on this land.

Monday, 10 February 2014


"Let me always remember that brightly smiling face of Sri
Nityananda Prabhu, whose beautiful movement ridicules the graceful gait of an elephant. His cloth resembles a cluster of blue lotus flowers and His bodily effulgence conquers the splendor of the rising moon at sunset. His prema-saturated rolling eyes defeat the pride of a restless khanjana bird." Sri Nityananda Dhyana 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

For A Glance I Dance

"As Nityananda was sitting on the throne, all of His associates danced before Him" CB 5.304
"There was an intense shower of ecstatic devotional love in whatever direction Lord Nityananda cast His glance. Whoever He looked at lost consciousness in ecstatic love and rolled on the ground, forgetting his cloth" CB 5.313
"Sometimes He would sit in the virasana posture and have the devotees dance one after another before Him." CB 5.325

I can only appeal to Lord Nityananda, the bestower of Bhakti, and to do so, I beg to enter into the vision of this pastime as told by Vrindavana Das Thakur in his Caitanya Bhagavata.
Rapt by the vision of Him sitting n the throne, on the dreamlike wings of this poem, I walk up to Him, as He requested everyone, and I dance, begging to receive that glance of incomparable love and mercy.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

In The Land of Lord Nityananda

CC Antya 6.44-45: Sitting on a rock under a tree on the bank of the Ganges, Lord Nityānanda seemed as effulgent as hundreds of thousands of rising suns. Many devotees sat on the ground surrounding Him. 

Chaitanya-charitamrita Adi-lila 8.23: "The Name Nityananda immediately evokes tears and ecstasy of pure love for Krishna even in a sinful person."