Lord Nityananda Balaram,
presiding Deity of objects of seva,
Lord of remembrance and wakefulness,
let cintamani touch this place,
this fire, these utensils,
and let the gunas remain at the doorway.
Let sugar, salt and flour
become syllables of mantras,
and to my mind,
let every flavor be a sound
unrelated to the palate.
Let Bhakti devi be the Isvari
of my limbs, eyes and actions,
and along with this fire
like the ones in the dwellings of Vraja,
be a compelling attraction and pleasure
for the Wonderful Thief,
so He might come and sample from the pots.
Whatever the results,
may they be worthy
to host Your saliva ~
Deliverer of conditioned souls.*
* "All the fallen, wretched, lowborn living entities will now be delivered by Your mercy" CB An.K. 7.41
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