Friday, 31 January 2014

KITCHEN PRAYER - to Lord Nityananda

"The jiva-shakti or living entities, certainly emanate from Sri Nityananda Prabhu.  Therefore the characteristic of service is the eternal characteristic of every living entity." CB MK III 23.525 Purport by HDG Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur.

Lord Nityananda Balaram, 
presiding Deity of objects of seva,
Lord of remembrance and wakefulness,
let cintamani touch this place,
this fire, these utensils,
and let the gunas remain at the doorway.

Monday, 20 January 2014


CC Adi Lila 4.52"Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa are one and the same, but They
KS Anu 155 "Eternal union is the greatest secret"
have assumed two bodies. Thus They enjoy each other, tasting the mellows of love." 
There is likeness or "matchness" in difference, variety in oneness and oneness in union. 
So union occurs when different qualities of essence manifest oneness in their inseparable functions.   

Because God, in this act of love, which is the creation, for expressing His own love, He imbued the universe and the activities of the living entities with union, love and service.
So, this intrinsic, joy-seeking nature of the soul ultimately  causes everyone to search for love to satisfy that primordial need for oneness and union.

 Sri Krishna Samhita pg 82 “This material existence is able to bind the living entities as part of the Lord’s pastimes”.

CC Adi Lila 4.246  " ...the entire creation is full of different tastes because of Me,.." 

Since all reflects from the union of the Divine Couple what gives joy and pleasure comes from the unity that causes oneness between different, but matching natures, as Krishna is the enjoyer and Radha is the enjoyed.  For instance as She is the white moonlight and He is the dark of the night, this is the cause for a moonlit night to give rasa.  So the Divine Couple is the absolute cause of Rasa. 

The tongue -which by nature tastes- meets the flavour of sweet.   After which, sweetness is experienced by the one doing the tasting. Thus rasa manifests from the union of the two (tongue and flavour). And from this union an experience of oneness occurs. When each and everything of matching nature and likeness in quality unites, it froths in rasa, which is ultimately a spiritual alchemy, so spiritual reality is where to everything belongs.
CC Adi Lila 4.121  "Kṛṣṇa says : I am the primary cause of all rasas". 

Therefore also in this ephemeral world  pleasure, joy, love, emotions, beauty, are caused when "two" meet.  This continuous recurring of union throughout the universes reflects from  Krishna because of His love for Radha revealing thus how She and Her Love are always in His mind.  

"All the world derives pleasure from Me" - Sri Krishna

Because the Gold of the  Moon 
            married  the Dark of the night                (1)
the ‘matchness’ of all that exists
under the skies
came into being;
fragrances mix with air,
the bumblebee searches for the flower,
colors match other colors

blending the light,
because the whiteness 
of the Resplendent Moon
blended with the blackness 
of the Dark Dense Night.

Because of the marriage
of the Fair Princess
with the Blue Boy,
union has become a joy,
music expresses words of love,
words don poetry,
and bards sing stories
to the night sky.

Thus reflecting throughout all creation
every groom has a bride,
and attraction flavors love desires
because the White Lily in the kund unites 
with the Blue Lotus at night.

Because the Golden moonbeam weaves
 with the deep Blue of the Ocean,
what love touches glows and intensifies,
and all that unites, beautifies;
                      honey condenses on fire,                    (2)
swelled by rain the blackish cloud deepens,
in love the heart dances and sweetens,
and so Oneness in Union is manifest
ever since the eyes of Rasa Raja
met the rising moon-like beauty
of the Queen of Vraja.
Because the dancing King of Peacocks
unites with the Queen of Parrots
the poet weds the Muse,
to the tears his soul,
and to the magic his words,
and all that is qualitatively alike
 meets and spumes in rasa 
because the Dark Cloud Krishna
 thinks always of Aurous Ray Radha. 

1) SGS 1.16.22 "I take shelter of You Who are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, greater than the greatest, the master of Goloka Dhama and Who now appear as a fair and a dark splendor."

    2)  MmV pg 74 "Sneha -love- is of two types grta-sneha and madhu-sneaha ~ ghee type and                honey type [...] Ghee melts, whereas madhu, honey, becomes more condensed...Radharani's            sneha is madhu, honey-type." Gaur Govinda Maharaja