Sunday, 15 December 2013


Venu Gita pg.119 "Yes, yes, Sakhi, tell us what dwells in the inaccessible cavern of your heart."

From the Song of the Bee -  SB 10.47.17 [...] "So let us give up all freindship with this dark-complexioned boy, even if we can't give up talking about Him." 

SB 10.47.21"Does He remember His father's household affairs and His friends, the cowherd boys?  O great soul! Does He ever talk about us, His maidservants? [...]" 

O friend,                  
tell me about Krishna!
let me close my eyes
so I can see Him in my mind
while you tell me of His skin
cool rainy cloud,
so densely bluish
resembling a Tamal tree,
tell me of His reddish eyes
messaging love
and His impish smile,
tell me more and more
or I will fall in lamentation;
tell me what touched His feet
the grass, the sand,
and of the pasture land
treasuring His footprints
where he laughed, played and danced;
tell me of the autumn festive mood,
of the sweet nectar of the notes
flowing from His flute,
flavoring the nights
spent whirling under the moon.
O unrivalled dancer!
how swift His dancing steps
on Kaliya’s hoods!
Tell me again and again
of those times
when He left us dressed with only water
relishing our stripped desires
knowing He possessed our minds.
Then, unthinkable was the day
that He would go away.
Once again 
call out His name aloud
to keep this pain away.
Do you remember
when He closed His eyes,
His flute slipped from His hand,
And from His hair a feather fell
And tears like pearls
rolled down His face
since He could not meet Radha?
And now?  Does He remember?

Us, His promises, His beloved …and Vraja?

Before my friend Svetaganga Lila Devi Dasi left for attending the Vrindavan Parikrama and the Japa Retreat in Varsana, whenever she would come to see me I would tell her "Tell me about Krishna" and she had to say one Krishna's pastime. Once she told me that because of this game I played with her, whenever she was on the way to see me she would start to think which pastime to relate as soon as I would ask her "Tell me about Krishna". So, I wrote this poem, to celebrate our Krishna consciousness' friendship - now that she has come back from Vraja adorned with the jewels of this land - and to glorify the Gopis' constant remembrance of Krishna, their mood at the time of Krishna's pastimes when He left Vraja and separation increased incommensurably the love of His devotees that they could not give up telling and re-telling about Him.