Here are some further highlights from Viśvanātha Cakravartī’s commentary on this verse in Śrīmad-bhāgavatam, 10.33.39:
"One who continuously hears, glorifies or writes poetry about this autumnal rāsa-līlā and similar pastimes of Kṛṣṇa described by other poets, first of all, even if he has the heart disease of material lust, he becomes imbued with prema. Then, by its effect, the disease of the heart is destroyed. Thus, it is understood here that this prema is independent; it is not weak or dependent like jñāna-yoga."
~ ~ ~
The moon
haloed by vermillion, 1
swelled with waves of desire 2
in this autumn night,
when the Lord
of the stars*
pierced with a glance 3
the copper moon disk. 4
Or was it His smiling lips
kissing the moon rays red? 5
The melodious sound of His flute 6
let silent ardor
sail on the ocean
of pleasure without harbor.7
of pleasure without harbor.7
Or was the inflamed
Moonface of His Beloved,
darting arrows8
darting arrows8
by arching Her eyebrows9
and making the moon ball blush?
What was the alchemy
to cause lotuses to bloom10
under this full moon,
and for this jasmine scent
to saturate the air
out of
season ~11
What was the reason?
The moonlight incited
a mood of lascivious play,
innermost desires of the mind12
were unveiled.
So captivating was the moonlight
it impelled the heart to speak,13
to express love's secrets
by weaving moonbeams
to express love's secrets
by weaving moonbeams
with excitant mudras,14
with tones of the voice,15
with abstruse words ~ 16
all this was the cause.
Millions were the stars,17
and this one night became millions,18
the Moon lost its vermillion 19
and became a sparkling crystal.
this rhapsody of splendor,
the shy lilies trembled,
as the scent of the Blue Lotus 20
blended with His sweat of sandal.
And as the Dark Gem sang of 21
His pleasure to the moonshine,
the white pearls sang
with intense desire
His name,
just as mango-like hearts,**
while ripening, do the same.
The melodies and the moonlight
flowed out upon the sands
of the river bank,
of the river bank,
as the vault of heaven looked down upon 22
the circle of swans
in the sweetest battle of love.
(*) and (**) have notes at bottom page
“Lord Krishna saw the unbroken disk of the
full moon glowing with the red effulgence of newly applied vermilion…..” SB10.29.3
“Swelling of expectancy and
desire the gopis hastily left their houses…” AnandaVCampu pg 275
“Seeing the rising moon
Krishna vibrated captivating tunes on His sweet murali” AnandaVCampu pg 272
“The rising moon appeared
like a copper clock in the sky announcing the time for relishing the sweet Rasa
Dance.” AnandaVCampu pg 271
“His lips brightened by the beams of the full
moon light” KrishnaBook pg 259
“Dear Krishna please pour
the nectar of Your lips upon the fire within our hearts- a fire You ignited
with Your smiling glances and the sweet
song of Your flute.”Sarartha
Darsini 29.35
“….the dark complexioned
youth that plunges Radhika’s maidservants in the shoreless ocean of supreme
bliss…” Vrindavana Mahimamrta - Shataka 04.21
“…the clever gopis piercing
Krishna’s heart with the arrows of their loving glances..”AnandaVCampu pg 286
“Radhika, Lalita and Syama,
their eyes reddened and their faces sprinkled with hot drop of perspiration,
spoke to Madhava in an angry mood.” AnandaVCampu pg281
“[…] on this special night
the lotuses also blossomed” Sarartha Darsini pg 293
“…although out of season, the jasmine
flowers were blossoming in the autumn”
Sarartha Darsini pg 293
“Due to intensity of love
the gopis yielded to the fickleness of their minds, gave up all shyness..” AnandaVCampu pg 288
“Your smiles, Your sweet,
loving glances ..[…]…they touch our hearts.”- The Gopi Gita –SB10.31.10
“During the rasa dance the
gopis exhibited all of these mudras to express their different moods.” AnandaVCampu pg 325
“Krishna wanted the gopis
to relish […] the sweet sound of His
voice” Sarartha Darsini pg 293
“…He tested the gopis’ love
with His clever riddles” AnandaVCampu pg
“..sources as Kramadipika
state that there were millions of Gopis in the Rasa dance” Sarartha Darsini pg 321
“[…] (Krishna) brought millions of other nights
which were all needed for carrying out such loving pastimes.” Sarartha Darsini pg 293
“As the moon continued its
upward journey it turned more and more white in color.” AnandaVCampu
“…[Krishna’s] natural
blue-lotus fragrance was mixed with that of the sandalwood pulp” SB 10.33.11
“Krishna sang about the autumn moon and its light upon the lotus ponds, while the gopis simply sang Krishna's name over and over again” Sri Vishnu Purana 5.13.52,56 (SBB III pg 763)
22) “[…] The demigods and their wives were overwhelmed with eagerness to witness the rasa dance, and they soon crowded the sky with their hundreds of celestial airplanes.” SB 10.33.3
22) “[…] The demigods and their wives were overwhelmed with eagerness to witness the rasa dance, and they soon crowded the sky with their hundreds of celestial airplanes.” SB 10.33.3
(**)Mangoes are used in two analogies which have inspired me to mention this in the poem.
Sri Visvanath Chakravarti Thakur in his Saratha Darsini (pg. 302), comments with this analogy comparing the ripening stages of mangoes and the gopi's love "ripeness" as a factor preventing them to join the Rasa Dance. This was to answer why some Gopis were restricted to join that night, but will in future nights.
Of the same flavor is Srila Prabhupada's comparison of devotional service to a mango : "whether it is unripe or ripe a mango is a mango".(1) Prabhupada meant that a devotee even in the beginning, but steadily following the program and personal sadhana, is on the path of perfection.
So, the stanza (**)"mango-like hearts / still ripening, do the same" is referring to all the devotees chanting Krishna's name as they are ripening to the stage of the Gopi's pure love.
(1) From Copper to Touchstone...by HH Satsvarupa Goswami
Thank you for posting these wonderful quotes about the moon and your lovely poem. Hare Krishna.