Wednesday, 23 October 2013


It is the night of the Rasa dance and Krishna has suddenly disappeared. 
The Gopis are desperate and search for Him in the forest asking the plants, the trees, the deer, who has seen the beautiful son of Nanda Maharaja, He has run away after stealing their hearts.
 SB 10.30.6[The gopis said] O asvattha tree, O plaksa, O nyagrodha have you seen Krishna? That son of Nanda Maharaja has gone away after stealing our minds with His loving smiles and glances.”
Some gopis start to mime His pastimes and one of them raises the shawl over her head simulating the Govardhan Hill and remembering this pastime when Krishna raised the Hill. 
SB 10.30.20“Don’t be afraid of the wind and rain” said one gopi “I will save you” And with that she lifted her shawl above her head."


This is the nature of Goloka, Krishna’s world.  Even in His absence the residents want to stay. None want to go anywhere else.”  Sri Brhad Bhagavatamrita III 6.366

Dedicated to Indulekha (Asta-sakhi)
, whose Prosita-bhartrka (bhava)  inspired this poem : "When Krishna leaves Vrindavana and goes to Mathura, not returning even after many days have elapsed, then the heroine becomes most miserable and suffers terribly in His separation." from Srimati Radharani by HH B. Purusottama Swami


I will roll in dust
left by your wheels

Monday, 14 October 2013

The Moon Prelude

NOD  Ch. Qualities of Krishna[Krishna said] "The most opportune time is the full-moon night in autumn, like tonight.  The best place within the universe is Vrndavana, and the most beautiful girls are the gopis.  So, My dear friend Uddhava, I think I should now take advantage of all these circumstances and engage Myself in the rasa dance.

Mādhurya-kadambini, 1.11
Here are some further highlights from Viśvanātha Cakravartī’s commentary on this verse in Śrīmad-bhāgavatam, 10.33.39:
"One who continuously hears, glorifies or writes poetry about this autumnal rāsa-līlā and similar pastimes of Kṛṣṇa described by other poets, first of all, even if he has the heart disease of material lust, he becomes imbued with prema. Then, by its effect, the disease of the heart is destroyed. Thus, it is understood here that this prema is independent; it is not weak or dependent like jñāna-yoga."

Sunday, 6 October 2013


Gopala Campu : “ He would sit in Vraja or the forest nourishing his joy and longing while playing the flute.”
“Krishna stood on pleasing Govardhan with a strong desire for rasa pastimes.”

"When the song of Krishna's flute spread out with a heart- touching raga, an indescribable confusion subdued the inhabitants of Vraja and produced obstacles (increase in desire)." Gopala Campu 17.73

Radha is remembering Krishna dressed as a cowherd boy and the blowing of His flute, which is the irresistible attraction for all the living entities. In another verse of the Caitanya Caritamrita 2.15 Caitanya speaks like Radha, overcome by Her love in a rasa of separation :
"Where is the Lord of My life, who is playing His flute [Murali Vadana]? What shall I do now? Where should I go to find the son of Mahārāja Nanda?"
So, Radha remembers Krishna when he plays the flute, and Krishna remembers Radha when playing His flute - He calls Her, He desires Her, He dreams to meet Her....

In the taste of water
is Krishna,
His blue skin
mirrors His infinity
in the oceans
and in the enveloping skies ~
for all rests in Him,
while in His mind
dwells beauty, pleasure and rasa.                                    
But only in Vraja