Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Disturbances in Vraja

SD 10.22.34  "These trees fulfill one's desires with their leaves, flowers and fruits, their shade, roots, bark and wood, and also with their fragrance, sap, ashes, pulp and shoots."

This sloka is spoken by Krishna to the cowherd boys.  He is describing the pleasure that the trees give to him for their nature of using their life and qualities to serve others.

"Disturbances in Vraja" is the way Bhaktivinoda Thakura called the anarthas, which are the greatest impediment for the conditioned jiva to enter the spiritual world. The tree of the ego that we have grown in lifetimes of vicious activities carries the leaves of bad qualities and egotistical mind set.  So the devotee by sadhana bhakti with faith, devotion and concentration, should let all these leaves to go and transform the tree of envy, the anchor to material life, into one of the trees that give happiness to Krishna, because everyone's happiness is in Krishna's happiness.  This realization can start the process for clearing the anarthas (or anartha nivrtti).

Ripe and ready
for the transforming wind
of the autumn season,
that clears the sky, the waters    
            and the mind,         (1)
I let go the leaves
from the tree of my ego,
I'll not feel pain
letting go the dead leaves
of arguments and conflicts,
growing instead a soft smile within,
while the emptiness of my heart
rustles and is blown away like a dry leaf.
I will look at untruthfulness,
false pretense, hypocrisy
and desire for superiority,
as brown parched leaves
releasing them with joy
into the purifying gusts
of this wind,
feeling peaceful and free
as the leaves of deception
and conceit
drop from my tree;
without hesitation
I will look into layers
of memory
       from where unwanted results       (2)
life after life have sprouted,
and now are yellow stale leaves
ready to be detached from the tree
by this wind of mercy.
My heart will rejoice
when finally Krishna,
seated in my heart,
crushes with His weight
of sweetness
the remaining hard-shelled
acorns of pride, vanity
and the stardom-me
then with consciousness filled
with devotion,
in bliss and relieved
that I, like the tree,
now denuded of envy,
am ready to sprout anew,
and give happiness to Krishna
               with leaves, shoots,             (3)
flowers and fruits.

1) SD 10.20.32-33 "... the fall season arrived, when the sky is cloudless, the water clear and wind gentle.
"The autumn season, which regenerated the lotus flowers, also restored the various bodies of water to their original purity, just as the process of devotional service purifies the minds of the fallen yogis when they return to it."

2) Literal translation of the word "anarthas".

3) CC Adi Lila 3.63 " [...]His smiling glance at once drives away all the bereavements of the world, and His very words enliven the auspicious creepers of devotion by expanding their leaves."