Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Messenger of Love (Lyrics) ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

Excerpt from a lecture of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja  
Uddhava back from Vraja

"Krishna had also another intention in sending Uddhava to Vrajabhumi. He wanted that Uddhava would come to the platform of pure love. Krishna knew this would happen when he saw the gopis, especially Radharani, Then he would understand the love they had developed. Therefore Krishna sent Uddhava there. "

Uddhava said to Kṛṣṇa, "My dear Kṛṣṇa, all the gopīs are so afflicted by Your absence that they have become almost mad. O Murāri, at home Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī laughs unnecessarily and, like a madwoman, inquires about You from every entity without distinction, even from the stones. She rolls on the ground, unable to bear the agony of Your absence." from Lalita Madhava as referred to in CC Antya 14.53 purport

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When your heart needed telling
I was the messenger of love
You took my hand - in yours to hold
You spoke a secret never told
          Your nights were not the same feeling love, its waves
          Your heart cried - knowing their pains

When your heart needed telling
I did not know the burning of love
Without you they are lost and lifeless
That girl raved in hopeless-ness
          What she said I can't retell -  wise words fell
          My soothing attempts – couldn’t help.

                    (R)     Return to them - my Friend
                              Your words were mere drops for them
                              Lost in dunes burning without you
                              There was nothing, nothing I could do  (could do)
                             Their love is in You.

When your heart needed telling
I came to know about their love
Light seemed to be turned off
Sighs echoed in empty troughes
          Eyes were staring at a distant point
          And all were crying, where were you

When your heart needed telling
I was touched by pure love
I am not the same of the past
I wish to be a blade of grass
          Where the dust from their feet - falls on me
          While they rush to you in love.

                    (R)     Return to them - my Friend
                              Your words were mere drops for them
                              Lost in dunes burning without you
                              There was nothing, nothing I could do  (could do)
                             Their love is in You.

When your heart needed telling

I was the messenger of love