mukam karoti vachalam
pangum langhayate girim
yat-kripa tam aham vande
shri-gurum dina-taranam
"I offer my respectful obeisances
unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of the fallen souls. His mercy turns
the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables the lame to cross mountains." CC Adi Lila 1.15 (Lecture in 1975)
The mercy is often compared to rain because it down pours to every living entity equally and unconditionally for the reason that there is not real cause for it, it is of transcendental origin and Krishna and His pure devotees are the independent bestowers of this mercy.
The reservoir of this water is the spiritual master who makes this mercy reach everyone. The disciple act just as a mere pipe, bound by love to speak. (re-phrased from "The process of Inquiry" pg 71 by Srila Gaur Govinda Goswami.
The mercy is often compared to rain because it down pours to every living entity equally and unconditionally for the reason that there is not real cause for it, it is of transcendental origin and Krishna and His pure devotees are the independent bestowers of this mercy.
The reservoir of this water is the spiritual master who makes this mercy reach everyone. The disciple act just as a mere pipe, bound by love to speak. (re-phrased from "The process of Inquiry" pg 71 by Srila Gaur Govinda Goswami.
A wanderer has come
to the door to ask
and as you told,
I took from your hands
the water to quench
his thirst,
but I’ve faulty hands
and when I cupped them,
inept as I am,
much was lost;
It was an ocean
I could not hold.
He asked for more,
so I prayed silently
to you - this time before,
and compassion in a water form
found a way through
this stony heart
but could not fulfil,
because what I could give
was but a few sips.
This soul became eager
held out his beaker,
and only then with faith,
as a parrot, I sang
that saffron dust
abiding in my heart
as it came to me
in a chain of love and mercy;
all I did was to repeat
as you did,
what I had I gave,
as I received,
what I drank through my ears
when I became thirsty to hear,
when my good fortune arose
and you passed it on
to me.
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