Sunday, 20 December 2015

The Way to Bhakti

BG 3.16 

evam pravartitam cakram
nanuvartayatiha yah
aghayur indriyaramo
mogham partha sa jivati 
"My dear Arjuna, one who does not follow in human life the cycle of sacrifice thus established by the Vedas certainly leads a life full of sin.  Living only for the satisfaction of the sense, such a person lives in vain."

Translation from "A comprehensive guide to Bhagavad Gita" - BG 3.16
"A cycle is made to turn.  One who does not keep it turning, a sense enjoyer of errant life,  lives in vain, Partha."

BG 4.31 "O Best of Kurus, one who does not sacrifice [offering] has not this world.  How then the next?"

The Way to Bhakti

evam this way
the night again falls after  day,
the milky stars fall beyond the horizon
on their revolving way,
and ghee falls into the fire,
and the Source-of-All 
with the souls re-unite,
thus the Universe speaks ~
motion is a wheel
as you receive
offer back
do not keep,
just as the tree gives
from the water it receives,
but does not hold nor taste
how its fruit is sweet. (1)

Do not take, neither keep ~
always give back,
and put love in your hands
without holding back,
'cause it was given like that,
whatever we have is a gift,
do not grab for anything
lest envy, lust and greed
 hold your heart
in a dark grip;

from the air we receive our life,
from the earth the plants
to stay alive,
and emotions from a beautiful sky,
from the stars a cuddle to sleep,
even darkness gives us dreams
and we rejoice in the flowers,
the sun rays, the cool breezes,
but do not forget, it is not ours,
it is received,
gratefully reciprocate,
 love means to always give,
and in this way 
with Bhakti 
turn the universal wheel.

Mahabharata  113
पिबन्ति नद्य: स्वयम् एव न अम्भ: स्वयं न खादन्ति फलानि वॄक्षा: |
न अदन्ति सस्यं खलु वारिवाहा परोपकाराय सतां विभूतय: ||
The rivers don't drink their own water. The trees don't eat their own fruits. The clouds don't eat the crops to which they give the water.