Monday, 27 April 2015

Prayer from the Pillar

My Lion Lord,
I am here,
in this dark dream,
lost and overwhelmed
in a cloudy corner of Your realm;
down ~
beyond the Viraja river
on an expanse of water,
in a cluster of bubbles
exhaled from Your breath,
 further down ~
behind the seven coverings
caused by the false ego,
way down ~ 
within a drop of many drops,
dripped from Your pores
so far down ~
on one of the billion spheres
floating in space,
down here ~
entrapped in fears,
in a form of bleak desires
reduced to a dimmed sparkle
caught between the pliers of the mind,
an infinitesimal dot of existence,
where my soul cries
barely audible,
like words shouted in water.
I am here,
a fossil in a pillar
of million of lifetimes
please break it open with your claws
take me up
to sit on your lap
from where
 I can fearlessly look
at the remains
of this stony heart.

Monday, 13 April 2015


Saturday, 11 April 2015

Winged Prayer

A prayer came on wings
for me,
all at once I could not see
the desert of my heart,
the saguaro,
that me
with its thorns
ceased to be;
spiritual awareness
lit up everything,
cupped hands
filled with mercy
from petals and leaves
spread its wings,
took off in the sky
and landed on my soul
in a shower of light.
Like a fulfilling kite,
that whisper
reached far 
and inside brought a whiff of inner delight,
the dimmed flame was fanned
to dance more brightly;
my mind stopped to think,
breathless emotions
in a speechless tide,
because I could perceive,
the wave was me,
stirred up and ruffled
by a love wind.

Some friends went on a pilgrimage to few temples in Madurai, India…
When they came back I was told that for all that day they had said a prayer for me wherever they went, while they offered flowers, leaves and ghee lamps to the Deities of each temple they toured. 
I thought back, reflecting on my feelings on that day, and recalled there was indeed a nuanced difference to how I felt. Those feelings then found their way out of my heart and into this short poem.
I feel it is important to share how powerful the prayers we say for others are, and how it is uplifting and inspiring for both those who utter the prayers and those for whom they pray, as a connection of the heart at once blossoms.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Krishna Delights Everyone's Eyes

SB 10.21.7 {Venu Gita} "[...] For those who have eyes, we think there is no greater object of vision."

Another gopis said : “Oh Sakhis! We intensely desire to relish Krishna’s dancing, singing and flute playing and to see all those beasts, deer, doves and birds assembled on the hill slopes who become stunned in bliss.”  Sarartha Darsini Pg230

“All the cranes and swans in the water are being enchanted by the melodious song of Krishna’s flute. They have approached and are worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead with full attention. Alas, they are closing their eyes and are becoming completely silent.” SB 10.35.11

"Seeing Him, the cows birds, bushes, creepers and trees all became ecstatic." SBB Vol. III 5.109 

"Seeing His beauty, people would curse Brahma, the creator of eyelids, and praise Indra who has a thousand eyes, and hanker for all their senses to become eyes." SBB Vol. III 5.110