"Dear gentle Uddhava, go to Vraja and give pleasure to My parents. And also relieve the gopis, suffering in separation from Me, by giving them My message." SB 10.46.3
"Krishna wanted to send a message of love to his dear devotees, His father Nanda Maharaja, His mother Yasoda-mata and the most beloved gopis headed by Radharani. Krishna thought "Who will take this message? Whom shall I send?" He chose Uddhava." Mathura meets Vrindavana pg129
The recurring visualization that inspired this poem is of Krishna feeling desperate in separation from Vraja and the Vrajavasis, and taking Uddhava's hand in His hand, speaking His heart. He was his friend and could carry this message of love to His beloved devotees suffering from separation. But when Uddhava returned he was not the same person, he had experienced pure love.
When His heart needed telling,
He sent a messenger of love